Difference between revisions of "Nightfall"

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'''Twilight:''' Pull darkness from within light, siphoning the energy from photons. wip
'''Twilight:''' Twilight is the founding concept of Nightfall, built into the magic through collaboration between Izonata and Venadak. Considering all Nightfallen have some basic ability to interact with light, they are able to manipulate the photons within light to generate darkness. They do so by physically moving their body through the surrounding light, smoke-like shadow forming from within their movements before rushing towards and condensing within their palm.  
'''Umbralplasm:''' After being pulled from light, darkness is converted into a congealed form known as umbralplasm. This can be physically seen, as organic-like matter appears to grow and expand along the form. wip
'''Umbralplasm:''' Once darkness has been pulled from surrounding photons, it is quickly congealed through a mixture of ether and oxygen into a grimy, organic-like substance known as Umbralplasm. Umbralplasm is the foundational substance behind almost all of Nightfall's abilities, and it has a few unique properties of its own.
To begin with, Umbralplasm can easily spread across surfaces, as the Nightfallen mage is capable of expanding or retracting its surface area by loosening or tightening its internal density. The density of Umbralplasm can be finely tuned, with larger volumes greatly compressed into smaller ones via pressure. Because of this property, Umbralplasm can either weigh minimally or a great amount, allowing it to act as a tool for oppressing the weight of other objects or organics, often by spreading the substance along their own surface.
Umbralplasm is also highly malleable, considering it is effectively an organic goo of congealed darkness. Its form can easily shift, twist and change, and it can be expanded or retracted into Compasses (see: Abilities) with relative ease.

Revision as of 19:11, 20 December 2021


The Origins

Nightfall was created through a collaboration between Izonata and Venadak, borne as the result of their shared empathy for the derelict and oppressed classes through the waning days of the Unbroken Empire. Originally proliferated among slaves to provide them with a method to protect themselves against their master's wroth, the magic quickly became the source point for one of the bloodiest massacres in the Empire's history. Inquisitors marched door-to-door across the Empire, killing every last slave imbued with the Mark of Nightfall, and forcing many to initiate agents of the Empire against their will. What was created as a tool of liberation quickly became merely one method of further subjugation, as Nightfall was pointed against the very slaves it was meant to protect.

The two Creator-Gods did not take kindly to this development, seen as an act of defiance and blasphemy. It was the appropriation of Nightfall that first began the Divine Bombardment of the Unbroken Empire, as beams of light and chaotic rays of energy descended from Muid to assault the Empire's fortifications, ravaging their armies day and night. An eclipse rose in the sky above Adena for three years, and millions of Mithira's residents became blind staring at or even glancing in the direction of the great solar collision. Nightfall was named for these sequences of events, as an astral darkness reigned over the Empire's great stronghold long enough to depress the entire region. The controversy over this magic was, undeniably, the beginning of the Gods' war against the Empire, ultimately culminating in the Sundering of the Planes.

After the cataclysm, the magic largely disappeared... and re-emerged in the hands of one particular man, Ratheran of Daravin, now the Pontifex of the Omen of Ulendreaism. It has since become synonymous with the Omen faith, a fact many imagine to be a point of friction for the Goddess of Chaos, as the successors to the Empire's oppressive reign continue to carry her gift as if their own, attributing it to Ulen, the 'Returning King', as they wield it to pursue their own ends.


Twilight: Twilight is the founding concept of Nightfall, built into the magic through collaboration between Izonata and Venadak. Considering all Nightfallen have some basic ability to interact with light, they are able to manipulate the photons within light to generate darkness. They do so by physically moving their body through the surrounding light, smoke-like shadow forming from within their movements before rushing towards and condensing within their palm.

Umbralplasm: Once darkness has been pulled from surrounding photons, it is quickly congealed through a mixture of ether and oxygen into a grimy, organic-like substance known as Umbralplasm. Umbralplasm is the foundational substance behind almost all of Nightfall's abilities, and it has a few unique properties of its own.

To begin with, Umbralplasm can easily spread across surfaces, as the Nightfallen mage is capable of expanding or retracting its surface area by loosening or tightening its internal density. The density of Umbralplasm can be finely tuned, with larger volumes greatly compressed into smaller ones via pressure. Because of this property, Umbralplasm can either weigh minimally or a great amount, allowing it to act as a tool for oppressing the weight of other objects or organics, often by spreading the substance along their own surface.

Umbralplasm is also highly malleable, considering it is effectively an organic goo of congealed darkness. Its form can easily shift, twist and change, and it can be expanded or retracted into Compasses (see: Abilities) with relative ease.



The drawbacks listed below do not always come in pairs, and certainly not simultaneously. Some may come and others may not.

Lesser: Nausea, fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, dehydration

Moderate: Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness





Devise: Novice. Learn to sculpt darkness, drawing it in from light. Congeals into ectoplasm-esque form. wip

Compass: Novice. Form a sphere of darkness, which acts as a highly dense form of it to be manipulated for other abilities. wip

Confide: Apprentice. Leave a projection of your voice/head within a shadow, speaking to those you wish for it to speak to upon crossing it. wip

Obscura: Apprentice. Mold darkness around yourself, becoming capable of camouflaging within darkness. wip

Volley: Journeyman. Expel contents of Compass, releasing a volley of congealed globs of darkness that blind or obscure the vision of enemies. Will climb enemies to get to eyes. wip

Stratum: Journeyman. Wall of darkness; defense. Tendrils may be released from surface for offense. wip

Reign: Journeyman. Wings of darkness for flight. wip

Overreign: Expert. Dark tendrils plummet downwards from wings, impaling foes. wip

Obscurafane: Expert. Shadow-blending, advanced. wip

Grasp: Expert. Condense and manipulate the mass of an object or thing, creating a gravitational field around it. wip.

Shadowrend: Expert. Scythe-like serrated blades of shadow, follows movements. wip

Shadowform: Master. Dissipate through Umbralplasm, reform within a nearby shadow. Spammable/cheap. wip

Collision: Master. Force two dense objects to collide, creating a gravitational wave so intense it can crush things around it. wip

Conjunction: Master. Fully expand a Compass, releasing its contents to inflict great destruction. wip

Stygian Abilities

Penumbra: Create a roof of darkness, blocking out the sun. Umbralplasm spreads from beneath it, generating a lair of darkness for the Stygian, who can meld within darkness to become invulnerable, capable of materializing from it at any point. Can cast abilities using the surface of the roof. wip

True Singularity: Create an infinitely dense gravitational region, and an event horizon so compelling that even light cannot escape. Black hole; appears as an eclipse-like astral body. wip







Ascension: The Stygian

Eclipse-like eyes, dark sclera, ignores laws of physics, often wears blindfolds due to blinding gaze, can freely merge with shadow; being of true and total darkness. x

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