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'''Shade''': Shades are the common type of ghost, and they make up the majority of all ghosts, though their population is transient and fluctuating. Shades, who tend to be born more of shock and confusion than anything else, are made ghosts due to the soul's momentary desire not to go. When most of them realize what they've become, and where they are, they decide not to remain and as they consume nothing, they eventually pass on. For this reason they are often called 'flickerers', coming and vanishing before long, leaving no imprint upon the world around them.
'''Shade''': Shades are the common type of ghost, and they make up the majority of all ghosts, though their population is transient and fluctuating. Shades, who tend to spend their days as ghosts confusedly wandering the same grounds they once walked, do not tend to subsist for long. When most of them realize what they've become, and where they are, they decide not to remain and as they consume nothing, they eventually pass on. For this reason they are often called 'flickerers', coming and vanishing before long, leaving no imprint upon the world around them.

Revision as of 16:14, 20 August 2020

A Wraith




When a person dies, there are a variety of different things that might happen to them. Most people in some way anticipate their death, and perhaps even 'accept' it in doing so. Ghosts are typically those who, when their soul was presented with the prospect of death and the afterlife, resisted the end of their days. This is rarely a conscious decision. Mostly, those with a particularly strong attachment to their life -- often those with a fear of death -- make it unwillingly when they die. Generally, those who die in a shocking or surprising way are those most likely to put up this final resistance.

When they do, they remain in Ransera much as their soul intends. Only, rather than doing so alive, they do so as a ghost who dwells in the repleted Dead Realm. The terror that follows is typically extreme; if their death was confusing, their birth into this bleak place filled with death and aethereal grime is far moreso.




Shade: Shades are the common type of ghost, and they make up the majority of all ghosts, though their population is transient and fluctuating. Shades, who tend to spend their days as ghosts confusedly wandering the same grounds they once walked, do not tend to subsist for long. When most of them realize what they've become, and where they are, they decide not to remain and as they consume nothing, they eventually pass on. For this reason they are often called 'flickerers', coming and vanishing before long, leaving no imprint upon the world around them.


Specter: Shades are often called 'lingerers'

Wraith: xx

Revenant: xx


Banshee: xx

Castaway: xx

Visitor: xx

Haunt: xx



