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Since migrating to the Outlands, the [[Krish]] have become its dominant race, and are the vast majority of intelligent lifeforms within the plane. WIP.

Revision as of 12:16, 2 November 2020






Since migrating to the Outlands, the Krish have become its dominant race, and are the vast majority of intelligent lifeforms within the plane. WIP.



The Outsider

What little is known of the Outsider is often spoken by the Krish, though unreliably. It is a being they hold an intense, even existential fear of, despite what many would describe as their bravery. "The Outsider is not to be trifled with," a common line among the Krishkir. It is not to be neared, disturbed, or even seen by; it is a hunter, a predator of all life. Its origins are unknown, save for that it has always been there in the Outlands, long before anything else. It is a dark anathema to the denizens of the surface of the plane, who pray and plead that it will not sight them as it passes by.

In terms of appearance, the Outsider is a massive, black-colored shade that dons a set of bizarre, alien heads around the shape of what appears to be its skull. Its limbs are variable and many; pincers, hands, wings, any number of things. The form of the Outsider is as large as it is malleable, its shadowy extent spreading outward from its center like a vortex, every inch of it able to be reshaped. The voice of the Outsider is said to be deadly, like a weapon, devastating entire towns, blowing out their ear drums and crushing their brains. Mostly it resides within its 'lair' to the far north, only roaming out to hunt, in which case it tends to prey on - unsurprisingly - the warring Krish, consuming thousands of their souls to sate its hungering need.