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Kohrün have the potential to be the longest-lived race. They age much more slowly than others, and can have their youth and vitality restored after death through renewal. All currently living Kohrün are adults, and they are restored to their adult prime (the human equivalent of 18) upon being renewed. Most are much older than this in terms of pure lifespan, if one counts their many lives. Unfortunately, Kohrün often cannot remember their previous life, though they are drawn to impressions and feelings left by it. A Kohrün who died may not remember their beloved Kin-Husband, but may gravitate towards him and fall in love with him yet again, for example. Those Kohrün made long ago by Y'shendra may even wield the same family units for generations of their own lives, often only able to remember by means of their extensive documentation, inscribed in books and artifacts.
Kohrün have the potential to be the longest-lived race. They age much more slowly than others, and can have their youth and vitality restored after death through renewal. All currently living Kohrün are adults, and they are restored to their adult prime (the human equivalent of 18) upon being renewed. Most are much older than this in terms of pure lifespan, if one counts their many lives. Unfortunately, Kohrün often cannot remember their previous life, though they are drawn to impressions and feelings left by it. A Kohrün who died may not remember their beloved Kin-Husband, but may gravitate towards him and fall in love with him yet again, for example. Those Kohrün made long ago by Y'shendra may even wield the same family units for generations of their own lives, often only able to remember by means of their extensive documentation, inscribed in books and artifacts.
Kohrün are unique among other races in that they do not use sex to reproduce among their own race. For this reason, Kohrün tend to view sex very differently to other races. While many consider it to be an aspect unique to romantic relationships, procreation or family-building, Kohrün tend to view it as a form of bonding, understanding their peers, or even greeting. Their society is considered wildly degenerate by many other cultures for this reason, as the private and intimate significance of sex is almost entirely gone. They do not often veil their intimate desires due to public constraints, are rarely bound within the concept of sexuality or orientation, and tend to be an exploratory race. This all being said, there are some romantic components tied to sex and sexuality, and intimacy is certainly shared most frequently with one's chosen partner(s). Uniquely, Kohrün who convert members of other races through intimacy are most often those who view their sexuality with some form of sacred significance, and may at least differentiate intimacy with that partner (such as their Kin-Wife, or Kin-Husband) as the form shared with others, such as peers, or friends.

Revision as of 01:56, 8 November 2020


Fast Facts

Height: 5'8"-6'2" Males, 5'4"-5'10" Females

Weight: 150-200(lbs) Males, 100-140(lbs) Females

Lifespan: Please see 'Reproduction, Aging and Death'

Notable Features: Glowing Blue Eyes, Intricate Tattoos, Strong Physiques, Undead Traits

Player Restrictions: None

Racial Ability: Neverborn: Kohrün are not birthed, they are revived, through a Necromantic-like energy that is naturally imbued into their race. Y'shendra, their patron and creator, has given their bodies the ability to retain their souls in death, creating infinite cycles of death and rebirth for their kind. So in-tune with these souls are they that they can manipulate them for a variety of abilities, as is described later in this article.

Population: 15,000,000




Kohrün are rare in that they are effectively (in most cases) living humans in many ways, but are distinguished from men and mankind. This is not an arbitrary decision; there are notable differences between Kohrün and man, often more severe than the differences separating a Hyr'Norai and a Sil'Norai. To begin with, Kohrün are undead, though what this means in their case is different than one might expect. They do not smell, look or act as walking corpses, carrying the same level of life-like vibrancy as any member of humanity. Their muscles are, however, constructed of undead tissue. The Kohrün are known to be enduring warriors, and this is a large reason for why; their disconnect from pain, unable to feel it to the same degree as most other intelligent life. Their muscles can be torn asunder, burnt or subjected to any method of torture, and they simply will not feel pain in the same way. Most of the nerves within their muscles do not transmit pain to the brain; in fact, they transmit less sensation entirely.

However, that is not to separate the Kohrün from the realities of life and death, or pain and pleasure. They simply experience things differently. The Kohrün enjoy sexual intimacy as much as any other race, mostly because their body was allowed to, their nerves functioning in tune with their original, mortal physiology. They can even enjoy the relief of a massage of those same muscles that do not easily transmit pain, and in fact, many of them feel an undeniable discomfort, anxiety and unease at the sensation of their hand being ripped in two. Kohrün describe pain as a dull, yet oddly existential sensation. Rather than a stinging pain, perhaps intermingled with a shock at what has become of their fragile form, Kohrün are instigated by pain: they are led to focus and fight back when they feel their life to be in danger, and in many ways, their limited sense of 'pain' appears to ignite their internalized hunger and ferocity, which brings us to the Neverborn.

Neverborn Abilities

Kohrün, all of them, wield what is called a 'deathless soul'. A soul that has been anchored to their form by Y'shendra, who does not allow them to truly die or pass on to the afterlife. This augmentation is naturally imbued with 'abilities', crafted by Y'shendra to serve her people throughout their many lives. Chief of all abilities is the 'entity' known as the Neverborn. The Neverborn is a hunter: it is an internalized, quietly-kept aspect of the Kohrün, responsible for a compulsion of theirs towards savagery. It is an undead spirit within a deathless soul, one that gnaws at a Kohrün's sanity and must be bitten back and restrained. It holds an instinct towards cannibalism and rage, and compels the Kohrün to endeavor to sate those desires.

Kohrün are able to project their consciousness of theirs outward. By closing their eyes and focusing deeply on the hunger within, they may bring it out and peer through its eyes as it may do with them. In truth, the Neverborn is something of a pitiful being. Wielding an incorporeal form, even as it lashes out, it cannot claim victims. Instead, it can peer through the Dead Realm and gather information, observing others from afar. When a Neverborn is present, an uncomfortable chill can be felt by those it is observing, and they often begin to feel the same as one would as if being predated upon: the hunger becomes tangible, palpable within the air.

Interestingly, the Neverborn also improves upon the Kohrün's proficiency with Animus. It can inhabit animals and allow the Kohrün to peer through them in short, temporary bursts, though these bursts are proven to be highly effective at improving their Immersion and Synchrony, and even making them naturally more acute at the ability 'Warging'. With all of this the case, the Neverborn can be a potent ally for hunting and scouting, though it is also known to be difficult to control. Neverborn frequently escape the bodies of the Kohrün while they sleep, only to inhabit animals and force them into a visceral rage, preying on other beasts or even leading them to suicide. Neverborn frequently torment the Kohrün's minds with its own grim curiosity, leading to nightmares, and an inescapable fear-mixed-exhilaration that they often live through in frequent if short bursts.

The Neverborn is limited by time. The longer it is controlled, the more strain it can result in as the Kohrün begins to face a flood of lethargy and even pain. Even a few minutes of separation can lead to severe retribution, with the Neverborn forced to wander back to an unconscious Kohrün. The creature cannot be seen by any observers save for other Neverborn, ghosts or those who can peer into the Dead Realm, and it cannot be permanently killed, reforming within the Kohrün's soul over a period of days. It appears much like a wildly tall (nearly nine feet), bent over, lanky man-like shape of frost-like, blue ethereal limbs.


Kohrün do not wield undead organs. Like any other mortal, their heart, brain or perhaps other internal organs failing to function can and will lead to their death. They are susceptible to disease, like other mortals, and in fact are truly as vulnerable as their human peers, only with a final face of resilience that can often mislead others -- and even themselves -- as they face their final, fleeting moments.





Clothing, Grooming and Art


Religion and Worship


Reproduction, Aging, and Death

Like many races on Atharen, Kohrün have a strange and unique method of reproduction. In fact, they 'reproduce' in two different ways: resurrection, and imbuing. They can revive currently-living members of their race, through a method known as junskannr (or renewal), which involves using Necromancy to mend and restore the bodies and organs of the dead, before bonding with their corpse and rekindling the life of the dead soul. This is done through the same method as imbuing: one sends their Neverborn apparition into the body of the corpse (or the living individual, in the case of imbuing) before having it reach within and grasp their soul, shedding a part of itself to grow from within them. Over a period of days, the renewal will be complete, and the reborn -- or new -- Kohrün will begin to foster the spawn of a Neverborn within them, as well as a revitalized soul, reawoken.

Imbuing on the living, in order to make a member of another race into a Kohrün, is done with the same premise though differently. It is compared to an act of marriage, and is finalized by the consummation of that marriage. The Kohrün first imbues a part of their Neverborn into the target's soul, and over a period of days or even weeks, will engage in acts of - to put it bluntly - sexual intercourse with the intended. The reshaping of their internal structure to that of one overridden by undead tissue will take hold almost like a disease, a virus influencing their system as a result of their Kohrün mate, exacerbated and finalized by the growing Neverborn within them. Kohrün often take grooms or brides from their raids on Radenor, Lorien, the Krish Colonies and Vendigad, and will make them into Kohrün in order to grow their race. For this reason, their spouses are often called 'Kin-Husbands' or 'Kin-Wives', as strange as the term may sound to outsiders.

Kohrün have the potential to be the longest-lived race. They age much more slowly than others, and can have their youth and vitality restored after death through renewal. All currently living Kohrün are adults, and they are restored to their adult prime (the human equivalent of 18) upon being renewed. Most are much older than this in terms of pure lifespan, if one counts their many lives. Unfortunately, Kohrün often cannot remember their previous life, though they are drawn to impressions and feelings left by it. A Kohrün who died may not remember their beloved Kin-Husband, but may gravitate towards him and fall in love with him yet again, for example. Those Kohrün made long ago by Y'shendra may even wield the same family units for generations of their own lives, often only able to remember by means of their extensive documentation, inscribed in books and artifacts.


Kohrün are unique among other races in that they do not use sex to reproduce among their own race. For this reason, Kohrün tend to view sex very differently to other races. While many consider it to be an aspect unique to romantic relationships, procreation or family-building, Kohrün tend to view it as a form of bonding, understanding their peers, or even greeting. Their society is considered wildly degenerate by many other cultures for this reason, as the private and intimate significance of sex is almost entirely gone. They do not often veil their intimate desires due to public constraints, are rarely bound within the concept of sexuality or orientation, and tend to be an exploratory race. This all being said, there are some romantic components tied to sex and sexuality, and intimacy is certainly shared most frequently with one's chosen partner(s). Uniquely, Kohrün who convert members of other races through intimacy are most often those who view their sexuality with some form of sacred significance, and may at least differentiate intimacy with that partner (such as their Kin-Wife, or Kin-Husband) as the form shared with others, such as peers, or friends.


The Kohrün speak Kokalath, the primary language of the Rünskaldr archipelago, as well as the Kingdom of Tyrclaid.

Common names for the Kohrün include:

Males: Erik, Svend, Ulfran, Bjørn, Jorek, Hakandr

Females: Jaela, Saoirse, Gunhild, Runa, Sigrid, Veljya