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'''Cleanse''': Apprentice. WIP. Activate the flamethrower (Purifier), releasing an unyielding torrent of flame.
'''Cleanse''': Apprentice. WIP. Activate the flamethrower (Purifier), releasing an unyielding torrent of flame.
'''Pyromania''': Apprentice. WIP. Create a lingering pocket of fire with Purifier, both controlling the battlefield and coating any bullet that passes near it with a brutal flame.
'''Leaden Vortex''': Journeyman. WIP. Do a full spin, releasing dozens of bullets from Specter with each three-sixty rotation.  
'''Leaden Vortex''': Journeyman. WIP. Do a full spin, releasing dozens of bullets from Specter with each three-sixty rotation.  

Revision as of 22:16, 1 December 2022


The Origins

It was a sight he had witnessed all too many times: a blood-soaked battlefield, soldiers laying on the ground with their limbs torn or hanging on ligaments; screaming and wailing, bodies impaled through broken bayonets and faces lying in the mud with their bodies disconnected from them, severed and tossed into some pile of bodies or some ditch dug into the center of the field. For once, a twisted thought ran through the Draedan's mind: what if I made all of this much, much easier? The severing, the blood-soaked bodies, the bullet wounds from something other than rackety, barely-functional muskets. Taelian considered what bringing a brutally efficient war magic to his own side might do in helping to reshape the world to a more personally preferential state, and so Reign was born.


The Guncrown: Reign is unique among all magics in that it is the only magic with two Marks of Control: one is the image of a tattooed bandolier of bullets that runs laterally across both sides of the left hand and through the palm, while the other is the image of a tattooed crown of thorns that wraps horizontally around the center of the right palm. Both of these markers are considered the two halves of the Guncrown, the axis through which Reign creates and manages the elements of the magic. When the magic is in use, both of these symbols will flow with a molten-like mixture of the color gold (the bandolier) and red (the crown of thorns).

Gunbelt: The bullet-bandolier can forge bullets in the left hand, which can then be loaded or reloaded into the Kingmaker's gun. Reloading is not required, but by reloading the Kingmaker will significantly reduce the ethereal cost of bullets, shells, rockets or other fuel for Reign's abilities, overall considerably increasing the magic's efficiency.

Bloodwelt: Each time a gun is created or reshaped in the Kingmaker's right hand, they can choose to squeeze the gun tightly against their palm, which will trigger the crown of thorns to bloody the palm with barbs. As the mage bleeds, their blood will flow along the barrel of the gun, feeding the weapon with sustenance. All bullets fired by a properly blood-fed gun will splinter into shrapnel shards upon impact, greatly increasing their ability to inflict wide-scale harm.



The drawbacks listed below do not always come in pairs, and certainly not simultaneously. Some may come and others may not.

Lesser: Nausea, fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, dehydration

Moderate: Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness




Amass: Novice. WIP. Create a gun made of ether. Starts with Specter.

Avenge: Novice. WIP. Fire an ethereal bullet from Specter.

Reign: Apprentice. WIP. Shift the ethereal gun into a different form. Artillery (Magnate), flamethrower (Purifier), sniper (Unmaker), dual-pistols (Specter), shotgun (Bloodletter).

Stagger: Apprentice. WIP. Withhold bullets in the air, firing them at intervals.

Cleanse: Apprentice. WIP. Activate the flamethrower (Purifier), releasing an unyielding torrent of flame.

Pyromania: Apprentice. WIP. Create a lingering pocket of fire with Purifier, both controlling the battlefield and coating any bullet that passes near it with a brutal flame.

Leaden Vortex: Journeyman. WIP. Do a full spin, releasing dozens of bullets from Specter with each three-sixty rotation.

Bloodspray: Journeyman. WIP. Fire Bloodletter, each impacting bullet swelling into a red bulb that implodes the surrounding section into a bloody paste. Bullets are blade-like shrapnel shards.

Armament: Journeyman. WIP. Create a shard of ether in your hand, before throwing it. Upon impact, Armament explodes outward with devastating shrapnel.

Rebuke: Expert. WIP. Travel to one of your bullets, before releasing an explosion by striking it with your fist.

The Rail: Expert. WIP. Fire the sniper rifle (Unmaker), unleashing a bullet that exceeds the speed of sound and annihilates all it crosses.

Calamity: Expert. WIP. Fire the artillery (Magnate), releasing a torrent of rockets that decay into fiery beams.

Bulletreign: Master. WIP. Unleash thousands of bullets from Specter, raining down on enemies without relent.

Overreign: Master. WIP. Merge all guns into a massive laser-cannon, held by both hands and able to dismantle nearly all matter.

Hellbreaker Abilities

x: x






Ascension: The Hellbreaker
