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As mentioned, in her arms she may be holding objects. The most common of these being a black smith's hammer, a great feathered quill from an owl, a ledger, scales, a sword, and a severed head. Evitrix is usually sculpted into a statue but those who paint her give her lightly colored golden skin and dark hair.
As mentioned, in her arms she may be holding objects. The most common of these being a black smith's hammer, a great feathered quill from an owl, a ledger, scales, a sword, and a severed head. Evitrix is usually sculpted into a statue but those who paint her give her lightly colored golden skin and dark hair.
*brass golems

Revision as of 20:24, 22 October 2021



"Ahhh yes you again, come to ask for my Aid..."

The Goddess of War, Tact, and Craft indeed, many among Atharen hail her for their own. While some may think of her as a simple warlord's Goddess she is that and so much more. Think of the fighting couple who can't come to an agreement, or the smith who is making his finest sword, or even the child who wants to stick up to the neighborhood bullies. All could pray to an effigy or place a fine token upon her statue in reverie for this Goddess. As a person, Evitrix is neutral and a perfectionist-- always striving for balance through her cunning means. As what is the point of War but not to tip the scales in your favor? What is Craft if not perfecting the most balanced and honed item? With Tact one would need to know their opponent and know when to strike, a balancing act of the finest degree. No, this one doesn't act with chaotic energy, she moves her pawns when the time is poignant.


It is said Evitrix was once Venadak's sword, the most perfect sword ever crafted. Semi-sentient she would give Venadak advice when he needed, reigning over Atharen by light at his side. At the time her light shown across Atharen as a beacon of hope and

After the corruption from the Bleeding she was broken free from the Sword. A being of pure light and faith to her Master she was not touched by the corruption. She had a choice upon her birth to allow herself to become corrupted and return to her Master's side or to flee immediately before the corruption effected her. Instead of following him to Bel she remained in Muid to hold order over the wars of the mortals. A solemn promise to him even now that she will uphold his original vision for Atharen. War, you see, isn't something to be taken lightly and she has no love for mortals slain. For those warring sides who pray to her, she holds no penance over winners or losers and takes no bets or bribes for winning. Before she took her vow of neutrality she was prominent early on in meddling in the affairs of mortals. For a time she was bathed in fear as it seemed any place her feet would touch war would break out and blood would stain the soil. Those who won hailed her greatly while the losers and the subjugated cowered in fear at her visage.

  • mention other half of the now corrupted sword and what it makes her feel, think, its place in the world etc
  • I really like the semi sentience and it does I think clear the pre-birth gap that I have for her. I really like the part about her wandering too, I think maybe she isn't so passive and does give advise here and there-- maybe causing trouble but her neutrality lies in the fact she doesn't care who wins or loses. Maybe she feels badly for the subjugated people but ultimately feels that the winner is the winner.
  • Maybe she does play favorites but nobody really understands her logic because she's such a weirdo and a unique being.

[3:25 PM] Like her evolution from magical AI sword to actual Goddess just makes her sort of unfathomable to Gods and mortals alike. [3:25 PM] But that might also make her the perfect person to figure out the next evolution of Atharen. [3:25 PM] Since Venadaddy has gone rogue..

  • swore fealty to Venadak and became a sentient weapon
  • Radenor split into 4, Daravin is always at war
  • Evitrix created Brass dragons and taught them artificing and the brass dragons taught a mortal to aritifice that she doesn't stan.

Evitrix being such a recent God none of the others in the pantheon truly know her well, but they recognize her domain and know her as the mighty sword which Venadak once wielded. She is treated something of a novelty among the other Gods and Goddesses, not dismissed but more like a curiosity. This has lent her to follow somewhat in their footsteps with how she approaches the mortals.

She was there watching the Dranoch overtake the withering Sil'norai and form the Court of Dusk. She was there when Mornoth was turned into a dilapidated shadow of its former self. Evitrix watched solemnly as the ashes of her Master's former world crumbled beneath vile corruption and pain. That was when she took her vow of neutrality, to not meddle and whisper whims to those who would seek "justice" or injustice ultimately. As well it brought her great pain to see the people of Lorien suffer so under the Kindered's rule, to hear their pleas for solidarity from the War Goddess, but there was nothing she would do. She returned to Muid, to the Bare Graves Walk, and has stayed there only unless a great ritual is preformed to summon her for guidance. Even then she speaks no true words, only riddles and veils, before shortly after disappearing back to her Realm.

Her influence over the world has waned over time, with such an age of certain peace internationally she is mostly unneeded. This is why anymore those who come to her come with usually petty squabbles or blessings towards their craft. As the Goddess of Craft she has quite the reputation among not only smiths and war-machines but also carpenters, writers, painters, and other visionaries. The most recent time she was said to be spotted was for the insane painter Buff, who was a graffiti artist, who painted propaganda against the Kindred and Hollows on certain areas in Lorien. His propaganda which garnered her attention was of a great lizard who had a large, grinning mouth, holding the head of a Hollow. Underneath this visage it said, "UnTil oUR dyiNg BreATH". He was quickly found and almost murdered until, as the story goes, Evitrix herself came down and stopped the Hollows, transporting the painter to who knows where. The Omen of course had much to say while covering up this story, calling it blatant lies and claiming they had truly killed him for his insolence. Still the myth persists to this day although Buff has never been seen again.

One thing left to be said is Evitrix's jealousy for Izonata. You see, the depictions of Izonata with Evitrix's Master, the amount of influence she reigns over, and the sheer fact that she is one with chaos and darkness all have brewed into a long time festering wound to Evitrix's pride. The capricious way Izonata had previously stirred up trouble, in Evitrix's eyes, was like a child holding a smoking gun. Even still she has a certain distain for the skulking ways of Izonata who so standoffish before now seems to be grieving. How could she just leave her siblings alone for so long after the Bleeding and return in a facade of care? Whether or not Izonata cares or not about this slight Evitrix feels remains to be seen.


Evtrix is the beautiful Goddess who never reveals her eyes. Her blind depiction, usually by a cloth but also seen as a sword, quill or sometimes a scale, isn't only constant but it's sacrilegious to depict her with her eyes shown. The point being that conflict is a blind ordeal, the winner can never be said until the dust settles and those who pretend to know or take bets on a winner are liars. The other constant being her many arms, sometime four, sometimes six, holding different objects of craft and war. The most obvious thing about her is that she is shown bare or with little clothing, as if she has nothing to hide. Those who pray to her say this is because her skin is stronger than any blade or blow, she needs not a piece of armor or clothing to protect her from any who would attack her. The more philosophical aspect of this is that conflict leaves everyone involved laid bare. None can walk out unscathed or unchanged after great disparity.

As mentioned, in her arms she may be holding objects. The most common of these being a black smith's hammer, a great feathered quill from an owl, a ledger, scales, a sword, and a severed head. Evitrix is usually sculpted into a statue but those who paint her give her lightly colored golden skin and dark hair.

  • brass golems


War, Craft, and Tact being her focus.





Notable Religious Factions



Bare Graves Mile

