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==The Origins==
==The Origins==
Work in progress. Evitrix.
Divide is the form of magic that grants control over earth, stone, and sand, as well as their derivatives such as bricks, concrete, and glass. Scholars disagree about the exact origins of Divide, but there is consensus that it came from Evitrix. Whether it was a magic meant to encourage the people of Atharen to create material goods and build structures or tear those same things asunder is unclear. Given Evitrix’s general fondness for abstruse stratagems, the answer could well be that both theories are correct.  
'''Dismantle''': Work in progress.
Central to Divide are two concepts joined together in a dialectic: Synthesis and Antithesis. It’s difficult to define one without the use of the other, and impossible to make use of Divide without sufficient skill with both. Some Dividim understand this natively, and others struggle with it throughout their early training. 
'''Synthesis:''' Synthesis is the act of creating an object, form, or structure using Divide. In order to create any structure with the use of Divide, Dividim must first be able to conceptualize the earth, stone, or sand as existing not as a mass but as small, moldable pieces. The smaller the pieces they are able to conceptualize, the finer their control.
'''Antithesis:''' Antithesis is the act of destroying an object, form, or structure using Divide. In using Synthesis to create, the matter must come from somewhere. Therefore, to create, Dividim must first destroy. The reverse is also true; Dividim do not obliterate matter when they destroy something, they merely alter its structure, creating something else in the process. The more efficiently Dividim are able to make use of Antithesis, the greater their alacrity in creating what they envision.  
Work in progress.
An aspiring Dividi is initiated by an existing Divide practitioner. The initiation is simple enough: any piece of stone, mud, clay, earth, or glass can be used, provided that it is from a place that has personal meaning to the aspirant. It is rendered into powder by the practicing Dividi and then swallowed by both. The mage then expels the powder from their mouth and directs it into the initiate’s lungs, while the powder originally swallowed by the initiate is directed  to circulate through their bloodstream.
If all goes well, the Initiate will become hypoxic and lose consciousness before waking up with a newfound Mark of Control. This is partially left up to the practicing mage, who must maintain a delicate balance of allowing enough air to reach their would-be initiate so as not to kill them, while also allowing the activated matter to circulate through the initiate’s body before pooling in the area where their Mark will form: if too much is let loose too fast, the initiation will fail, if too much is held back, they will suffocate. If the initiation fails and the initiate lives to tell the tale, the activated matter remains in their system, rendering them unable to be initiated again, as it will block any subsequent attempt.
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''Moderate'': Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness
''Moderate'': Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness
'''Evaporation:''' Moisture starts to spontaneously exit the cells of the body, causing them to burst. As the freed liquids pool in the lungs and brain, the affected mage succumbs to confusion and delirium. Supplemental oxygen and rehydration via Sinew Foam or Baptism should be provided as soon as possible to prevent an unpleasant and painful death.
Mutations among Dividim are relatively common, seeing as the Initiation process is somewhat personalized, and the activated material within each Dividi has a different mineral composition and settles in a different part of the body to form the Mark of Control, typically a geometric pattern or crystalline structure. Marks, rather than being simple black tattoos, can themselves end up transformed into any mineral found on Atharen, including brightly colored, phosphorescent, or radioactive ones. Other mutations that alter the appearance include portions of the skin turning to living stone, which can look a bit like scales in appearance, or a permanent metallic glow or undertone added to the skin.
Other mutations can alter how Divide itself is practiced, however. In some cases, Dividim do not gain the ability to work equally on stone, sand, and earth: sometimes, the mage’s facility with one is greatly increased with a corresponding reduction of ability with the other two. Sometimes, the ability to work on one or two of the other basic materials is missing entirely, but the Dividi can instead work with a non-standard material, such as metal, wood, or paper. In other cases, the basic materials the Dividi can work with are left untouched, but some effect of Synthesis or Antithesis is automatically applied to everything they try to do, resulting in all materials being automatically heated, cooled, or pressurized.
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The Novice abilities of Divide ensure that Dividim understand the principles of Synthesis and Antithesis via Erosion and Bolster, as well as granting the ability to Parse nearby objects such that they gain facility in analyzing the structural integrity of everyday objects in their environment. Something that on the surface seems simple, such as taking apart a naturally formed piece of quartz and putting it back together such that it’s stronger, sleeker, and smoother, can be approached in many different ways, and Novices need to practice with such fundamentals to ready themselves for the abilities that await them as they become more adept with their new magical toolkit. 
Apprentice Dividim gain the ability to translate one base material into another by manipulating its density and particle size with Phase, and unlock two of the most important abilities in the Divide skillset: the ability to create objects with Craft that can be permanent if they are able to maintain their integrity with magical assistance, and the first offensive ability in Dust Storm. All three abilities require more skillful use of Synthesis and Antithesis, and a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the structure and form of the objects Divide can affect.
The Journeyman abilities of Divide lend credence to the theory that it was created by Evitrix not just as a means to help the people of Atharen civilize, build, and trade, but to wage war, as well. Petrifaction allows for Journeyman to make stone from organic matter, and both Petrifaction and Parch impart powerful if slow offensive abilities to the practitioner.
The Expert abilities available to Dividim add two vital defensive abilities. With Lightning Rod, the mage can divert spells and blows intended for them to an effigy, and with Living Armor, Divide gains the ability to discourage, deflect, nullify, or absorb magical or physical effects. These abilities in tandem both allow Dividim to take a more supportive role in combat and prepare them to protect themselves and their allies from the devastating effects they can unleash at the Master level. It also adds Concretion, a spell cast upon Petrified targets that allows for the harvest of more activated matter as well as giving Dividim a slow but devastating one-two punch.
Few Dividim have the occasion to become Masters at all, let alone to practice the Master abilities enough to have any facility with them. With Tectonic Shift, the Dividi can conjure localized shaking or a devastating quake severe enough to remake Atharen’s landscape. Dust Devil combines effects from Parch, Petrifaction, Concretion, and Dust Storm to create an onslaught that can rain down destruction on friend and foe alike.
=Ascension: The Ashbringer=
=Ascension: The Ashbringer=

Revision as of 20:49, 8 August 2022


The Origins

Divide is the form of magic that grants control over earth, stone, and sand, as well as their derivatives such as bricks, concrete, and glass. Scholars disagree about the exact origins of Divide, but there is consensus that it came from Evitrix. Whether it was a magic meant to encourage the people of Atharen to create material goods and build structures or tear those same things asunder is unclear. Given Evitrix’s general fondness for abstruse stratagems, the answer could well be that both theories are correct.


Central to Divide are two concepts joined together in a dialectic: Synthesis and Antithesis. It’s difficult to define one without the use of the other, and impossible to make use of Divide without sufficient skill with both. Some Dividim understand this natively, and others struggle with it throughout their early training.

Synthesis: Synthesis is the act of creating an object, form, or structure using Divide. In order to create any structure with the use of Divide, Dividim must first be able to conceptualize the earth, stone, or sand as existing not as a mass but as small, moldable pieces. The smaller the pieces they are able to conceptualize, the finer their control.

Antithesis: Antithesis is the act of destroying an object, form, or structure using Divide. In using Synthesis to create, the matter must come from somewhere. Therefore, to create, Dividim must first destroy. The reverse is also true; Dividim do not obliterate matter when they destroy something, they merely alter its structure, creating something else in the process. The more efficiently Dividim are able to make use of Antithesis, the greater their alacrity in creating what they envision.


An aspiring Dividi is initiated by an existing Divide practitioner. The initiation is simple enough: any piece of stone, mud, clay, earth, or glass can be used, provided that it is from a place that has personal meaning to the aspirant. It is rendered into powder by the practicing Dividi and then swallowed by both. The mage then expels the powder from their mouth and directs it into the initiate’s lungs, while the powder originally swallowed by the initiate is directed to circulate through their bloodstream.

If all goes well, the Initiate will become hypoxic and lose consciousness before waking up with a newfound Mark of Control. This is partially left up to the practicing mage, who must maintain a delicate balance of allowing enough air to reach their would-be initiate so as not to kill them, while also allowing the activated matter to circulate through the initiate’s body before pooling in the area where their Mark will form: if too much is let loose too fast, the initiation will fail, if too much is held back, they will suffocate. If the initiation fails and the initiate lives to tell the tale, the activated matter remains in their system, rendering them unable to be initiated again, as it will block any subsequent attempt.


The drawbacks listed below do not always come in pairs, and certainly not simultaneously. Some may come and others may not.

Lesser: Nausea, fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, dehydration

Moderate: Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness


Evaporation: Moisture starts to spontaneously exit the cells of the body, causing them to burst. As the freed liquids pool in the lungs and brain, the affected mage succumbs to confusion and delirium. Supplemental oxygen and rehydration via Sinew Foam or Baptism should be provided as soon as possible to prevent an unpleasant and painful death.


Mutations among Dividim are relatively common, seeing as the Initiation process is somewhat personalized, and the activated material within each Dividi has a different mineral composition and settles in a different part of the body to form the Mark of Control, typically a geometric pattern or crystalline structure. Marks, rather than being simple black tattoos, can themselves end up transformed into any mineral found on Atharen, including brightly colored, phosphorescent, or radioactive ones. Other mutations that alter the appearance include portions of the skin turning to living stone, which can look a bit like scales in appearance, or a permanent metallic glow or undertone added to the skin.

Other mutations can alter how Divide itself is practiced, however. In some cases, Dividim do not gain the ability to work equally on stone, sand, and earth: sometimes, the mage’s facility with one is greatly increased with a corresponding reduction of ability with the other two. Sometimes, the ability to work on one or two of the other basic materials is missing entirely, but the Dividi can instead work with a non-standard material, such as metal, wood, or paper. In other cases, the basic materials the Dividi can work with are left untouched, but some effect of Synthesis or Antithesis is automatically applied to everything they try to do, resulting in all materials being automatically heated, cooled, or pressurized.



Ashbringer Abilities



The Novice abilities of Divide ensure that Dividim understand the principles of Synthesis and Antithesis via Erosion and Bolster, as well as granting the ability to Parse nearby objects such that they gain facility in analyzing the structural integrity of everyday objects in their environment. Something that on the surface seems simple, such as taking apart a naturally formed piece of quartz and putting it back together such that it’s stronger, sleeker, and smoother, can be approached in many different ways, and Novices need to practice with such fundamentals to ready themselves for the abilities that await them as they become more adept with their new magical toolkit.


Apprentice Dividim gain the ability to translate one base material into another by manipulating its density and particle size with Phase, and unlock two of the most important abilities in the Divide skillset: the ability to create objects with Craft that can be permanent if they are able to maintain their integrity with magical assistance, and the first offensive ability in Dust Storm. All three abilities require more skillful use of Synthesis and Antithesis, and a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the structure and form of the objects Divide can affect.


The Journeyman abilities of Divide lend credence to the theory that it was created by Evitrix not just as a means to help the people of Atharen civilize, build, and trade, but to wage war, as well. Petrifaction allows for Journeyman to make stone from organic matter, and both Petrifaction and Parch impart powerful if slow offensive abilities to the practitioner.


The Expert abilities available to Dividim add two vital defensive abilities. With Lightning Rod, the mage can divert spells and blows intended for them to an effigy, and with Living Armor, Divide gains the ability to discourage, deflect, nullify, or absorb magical or physical effects. These abilities in tandem both allow Dividim to take a more supportive role in combat and prepare them to protect themselves and their allies from the devastating effects they can unleash at the Master level. It also adds Concretion, a spell cast upon Petrified targets that allows for the harvest of more activated matter as well as giving Dividim a slow but devastating one-two punch.


Few Dividim have the occasion to become Masters at all, let alone to practice the Master abilities enough to have any facility with them. With Tectonic Shift, the Dividi can conjure localized shaking or a devastating quake severe enough to remake Atharen’s landscape. Dust Devil combines effects from Parch, Petrifaction, Concretion, and Dust Storm to create an onslaught that can rain down destruction on friend and foe alike.

Ascension: The Ashbringer
