
From Atharen Wiki

Work in progress.

Common Bonuses

10 df (Please see here for the Business Sheets forum, where you may submit your business for approval.)
Business Seasonal Bonus
5 df (Every season a business owner works and receives wages, they will receive a cumulative bonus of 5 df per season. This bonus travels with them if they change jobs. It caps out at 50 df. You do not receive the regular Seasonal Bonus if you receive this one, but pick up at your highest Seasonal Bonus number once you start receiving it.)
Work in progress.

Math: WIP = WIP x WIP = WIP x .WIP = WIP df.

Artisan Bonuses

Skill Tier Bonus
10 df (Please see here for the Business Sheets forum, where you may submit your business for approval.)
Work in progress.

Math: WIP = WIP x WIP = WIP x .WIP = WIP df.

Industrialist Bonuses

Skill Tier Bonus
10 df (Please see here for the Business Sheets forum, where you may submit your business for approval.)
Work in progress.

Math: WIP = WIP x WIP = WIP x .WIP = WIP df.