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Bel is the plane of the Corrupted Gods, built to confine them and prevent their corruption from leaking into the other planes, as well as to stop them from fulfilling their deranged ambitions. It was built by the Light-God Venadak at the moment of his own corruption, a final act to prevent the destruction of order in the living world. Bel is, for the most part, a bleak hellscape. While it was originally crafted to be nothing but a sort of void, created hastily as a prison, the degenerative ether constantly flowing through it and the corruptive will of many of the Gods within it has since resulted in it being reshaped into a dark land. In order to truly understand it, however, one must know its layers, or 'Mantles' as they are often called.

The Three Layers

The Layers, or Mantles, of Bel are divisions once crafted by Venadak for a specific purpose. Each layer has its own general appearance (or plethora of appearances, in the case of Velyar) and a particular dynamic within the overall framework of Bel. These will be explored below.

The Mantle of Arun

The Mantle of Arun, or Arun, is the top-most layer of Bel and is where the Endless War takes place. Arun is often called the 'watering hole' of Bel, where all of the followers of the Corrupted Gods -- whether their spirits or cultists -- and the Gods themselves, come to contend for supremacy. It is an endless orange-brown wasteland, divided by scorching rivers of mud and crag-mountains shaped like spikes, or jagged teeth. It is also filled with crypts and undercities, with most of its residents forming secluded collectives to avoid the dangers of the surface. The Corrupted Gods rarely fight one another in the open field, but they use Arun as a field for their own proxy war, seeking information or divine artifacts that they can use to extend their own power. Interestingly, the most prominent beings of Arun tend to be the children of the Corrupted Gods, who are often called to Bel upon learning their identity, where they are asked to serve their creators in the Endless War. These are called the Warmongers of Bel, and they are frequently aided by powerful spirits and cultists.

Arun was created first, and as a result it - metaphysically - appears to have the closest 'connection' to the other planes. This is the greatest reason the Gods contend for it; whichever God dominates Arun is most capable of influencing the other planes, such as manifesting their power within Reverie or projecting their will onto the surface. While they are not able to escape through Arun, they can use it as a filter for their power, some of which can leak out into the world, allowing them to acquire more followers. As an example, the Dranoch were able to be created by Valteran only because he had a dominant position within Arun; he was able to project a semblance of his power through Bel using Arun as a keyhole, where he could then create a race capable of fulfilling his objectives in the mortal plane.

The Mantle of Velyar

Velyar is where the Corrupted Gods live, spending most of their time within this Mantle. It is here that they have their own realms, acting as a disconnected series of enclaves for them. The spirits that will fight in the Endless War are created in Velyar, and the Demigods are first called here to learn their purpose and how they might serve. There are a total of seven realms within Velyar, each belonging to a Corrupted God. The details for these can be found in the articles of the Corrupted Gods themselves. It should be noted that Velyar is the middle layer of Bel, while Arun is the uppermost. Other than being divided into seven different planes, the areas in-between them tend to be darkly colored and bleak, appearing as an endless hollow shrouded by night.

The Mantle of Adena

There is little known of Adena. It is where Venadak reigns, and only those permitted to enter by him are allowed within; even other Gods are unable to break through the division between Adena and Velyar. Adena is the lowest Mantle of Bel, and it is also said to be the smallest. It appears as a ruined city -- in fact, those who have returned from it claim that it is a spitting image of the capital of the old Empire, where the Sundering took place... the one that supposedly fell into the sea. From within the core of this devastated city, Venadak rules with an iron fist, creating a multitude of spirits and delegating tasks to his powerful Demigods. Mostly, he lives in isolation, supposedly whispering to a hollow voice at his lonesome.

Adena is incredibly dangerous, due to the mad levels of corruption dwelling within it. Even Venadak's children find themselves unable to withstand it, becoming corrupted and malformed before long, their natures changing the longer they dwell. All spirits created within Adena are almost instantly made gnarled and spiteful, and even blindly violent. These spirits -- and indeed the majority of Bel's twisted spirits -- are called Dregs.

The Endless War

The Endless War is a battle fought by the Corrupted Gods of Bel, as well as Venadak's children, who fight to pursue their own crown. It is a battle for physical domination over Bel, as the greater presence of a particular God within the upper layer allows them to shape and command the land as if it were their own, their corrupted ether forming the wasteland around them. As mentioned earlier - and perhaps most importantly - this has the effect of allowing more of their being to leak out into other planes, which in turn empowers them further. The Gods of Bel rely on their cults to maintain their power, mainly to acquire the souls of their followers upon their death.

Additionally, the Corrupted Gods largely appear to hold some kind of fixation with conquest and rule, associated with some form of megalomania that appears to overwhelm them as their mind and body corrupt.

The Endless War is fought by countless factions, though they are several major armies acting as the primary contenders for rule over Arun. First among these is the Imprisoned Glaive, the weakest of the Great Armies, though still heavily prominent. It is commanded by Lyria, daughter of Venadak, who wields - along with her followers - corrupted light, their banners that of a blackening sun.

The Laws of Bel