Spirits And Dregs

From Atharen Wiki

A Dreg


There are two different classes of Spirit on Atharen: Noradac, sometimes called 'Adac' like the Gods for reasons that will be explained, and Dregs. Unsurprisingly, these two classifications are two sides of the same coin: creatures made of and from the same species of beings, the Adac, or Gods. Creatures that are often made for the same general purpose: to serve as eyes and ears for the Gods who created them, to communicate with followers, to guide and preserve, and to maintain the world. Spirits fulfill Domains for the Gods who made them. They act almost like dutiful worker-bees for their King or Queen, the Adac that guides them. Though, over time, this function has begun to shift for many, and in some ways it shifted long ago.


All Spirits were originally called Noradac for a reason. Every single spirit, without exception, is a fragment of an Adac, or a Creator-God of the Path. For this reason, calling the Spirits themselves 'Adac' is commonplace and equally understood. As Spirits are fragments or extensions of the Adac, the Gods are capable of freely assimilating their own Spirits back into their Divine Spark, and can take total and seamless control over spirits they have created. While there are exceptions such as the Patrons - who slowly acquire true free will, maturing into independent beings - this remains the rule for the far majority of them.

Spirits are created in a way similar to that of mortal beings. As they predated mortals, the Gods originally practiced the techniques of 'creating life' on Spirits, and from their learnings applied these and other methods in order to harbor mortal sentience. Spirits are formed from the smallest shedding of an Adac's Divinity into the ether around them, which they will then crystallize and manipulate into a fully realized form. They are created whole, though some may actually develop over time in different environments, or as they experience the world. Given the near-infinity that is the Gods' providence over their own domains, spirits they create can be truly vast and diverse.

The creation of a Dreg occurs similarly, if a God wishes to create one anew. In the case of many Dregs, however, they were reforged into Dregs by either the Bleeding, the leaking of Corruption or by their connection to their Adac. Dregs are often the result of tethered Corruption between a Noradac and their creator. This means that the more corrupted a God, the less of their original spirits remain, more and more of them transmogrifying into Dregs over time.

In all cases, considering a God must create Spirits by shedding a small aspect of their own Divine Spark, a God is limited in how many Spirits they may muster to the amount of Divinity they carry. Throughout time, the Gods of Atharen tended to grow steadily stronger due to the harvesting of souls, allowing for the creation of more Spirits, and therefore a widening extension of themselves and their Domains. As of the Bleeding, however, the Gods have been forced to cull many of their Spirits due to Corruption, and have not been able to reassimilate them for fear of corrupting their own divinity. This has led to a decrease of Spirits in the world. In addition, the growth of anti-Path rhetoric and even religions has led to the advent of Spirit hunting, a prestigious or sometimes ideological task to weaken the Living Gods' grip over the world.

As a result of this, while Spirits were once seen all over Atharen and would frequently interact with mortals, they now tend to hide and evade sight in those nations that view them with disdain, such as Daravin, Grisic and Lorien.





Subtypes: Noradac


Subtypes: Dregs


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