Price List

From Atharen Wiki

For now, please use this link to access the price list: here.

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Acolyte 1 df Apothecary 2 df
Armorer 3 df Attorney 2 df
Animal Handler 2 df Artist 2 df
Assassin 2 df Bartender 3 df
Bounty Hunter 3 df Brewer 2 df
Cartographer 2 df Cleric 2 df
Clerk 3 df Cobbler 3 df
Cook 3 df Courier 3 df
Dancer 3 df Engineer 3 df
Falconer 3 df Farmer 3 df
Fisherman 3 df Forester 3 df
Fortune Teller 3 df Gardener 3 df
General Merchant 3 df Glassblower 3 df
Groomer 3 df Guard 3 df
Healer 3 df Hunter 3 df
Information Broker 3 df Innkeep 3 df
Investigator 3 df Jewelsmith 3 df
Journalist 3 df
Laborer 3 df
Leatherworker 3 df Locksmith 3 df
Mason 3 df Mercenary 3 df
Metalsmith 3 df Midwife 3 df
Nurse 2 df Performer 3 df
Perfumer 3 df Physician 3 df
Physician's Assistant 3 df Poisoncrafter 3 df
Potter 3 df Priest 3 df
Prostitute 3 df Politician 3 df
Gunsmith 3 df Sailor 3 df
Scientist 3 df Scribe 3 df
Shipwright 3 df Shopkeeper 3 df
Slaver 3 df Tailor 3 df
Tanner 3 df Tattoo Artist 3 df
Teacher 3 df Thief 3 df
Torturer 3 df Undertaker 3 df
Veterinarian 3 df Pirate 3 df
Woodcarver 3 df Woodcutter 3 df




Every individual in Atharen, regardless of their society, generally falls into a 'class'. This class can be based on one of two factors: their social status within society, or their income. For example, an individual coming from a Noble or Royal family will automatically be placed within this 'Class' tier, regardless of their income. However, a Commoner may receive 'Royal' standards of living regardless of their social status, if they meet the requisite income requirements.

Class determines one's amenities and luxuries. People of a certain class eat and dress a certain way, and may be assumed to wear clothes or consume food or drink of that quality in everyday life. Class also determines the amount of one's income that is subtracted as tax or living expenses, deducted from the character's submitted wage.

Tier Description
Slave is a ‘class’ reserved for those who make no income (0 df/season). The living standards of a slave are largely determined by their master, but typically they live in squalor; truly abject conditions that deprive them of proper food, clothing, access to medicine, and even cleanliness. Slaves have no taxes, and their expenses are paid by their master.
Serfs are those who make an income of x df/season. They live in very harsh conditions, typically eating only enough to survive reasonably well. They are vulnerable to instability and famine, with even marginal crop failure frequently leading to scores of them dying of starvation, their conditions only better than slaves. Serfs wear common clothes, but typically dirty or low grade. They have poor access to medicine, cleanliness and public amenities. Of their income, 60% is spent on taxes and essentials for survival.
Commoners make an income of x df/season. These are the common individuals of the world, and while their living standards may be higher or lower depending on the nation (such as in Daravin vs. Lorien), across society they tend to receive reasonable accommodations. They eat well enough to be healthy, their clothes are mediocre but in decent quality, they have reasonable access to public amenities, medicine and other essentials. Of their income, 40% is spent on taxes and essentials for survival.
Those in the Business ‘Class’ make an income of x df/season. Typically Merchants, Businessowners or those particularly skilled or educated in their trade, they are conventionally seen as upperclassmen, though typically not living the luxurious excess of true Nobility. They dress well, can afford food enough to the point of being full, and have good or priority access to health and public amenities. Those in this class spend 30% of their income on taxes and daily essentials.
Nobles, for the purpose of their lifestyle and/or wealth, are either those born or instated to their position, or those who make an income of x df/season. Nobles wear high quality, luxurious fabrics, eat the finest foods whenever they choose, are easily able to afford and even employ private doctors, and society itself appears to be engineered to their safety and convenience. Of their income, 30% is spent on taxes and daily essentials. Please note that being in this ‘class’ as far as the Price List is concerned does not mean you are necessarily a Noble within your character’s nation or city.
Those who live a lifestyle of Royal luxury are at the very top of society, of the true, elite class. They are either those who are actually members of a royal family, or those with such high incomes (x df/season) that their standards of living are roughly equivalent. Royals dress in clothes designed by famous tailors, dress in the highest quality silks and satins of the richest colors, are adorned with great jewelry and eat whatever they desire. They typically have private employees of every kind; chefs, doctors, valets, and all the like. Like Nobles, the realms they live in are effectively designed to suit them. Due to the exceptional extravagance of those living in Royal conditions, 40% of their income is spent on taxes and luxuries. Like with the 'Noble' Class, please note that being in this ‘class’ as far as the Price List is concerned does not mean you are necessarily a Royal within your character’s nation or city.

Crafting Rules

1. Crafting of X tier will reduce total prices by X. WIP Rules.


Individual items may be bought from these kits. The kits themselves cost less than all the items altogether. What is listed is a base price for slave items and can be adjusted for your tier by WIP. This isn't every item you may purchase in game, follow this link to suggest an item for the pricelist on our Discord. (link)

Adventurer's Kit:x

Apothecary Kit:x

Artist's Kit:x

Cartography Kit:x

Chemist's Kit:x

Cooking Kit:x

Disguise Kit:x

Fishing Kit:x

Fletcher's Kit: x

Fortune Teller Kit:x

Herbalist Kit: x

Larceny Kit:x

Leatherworking Kit: x

Medicine Kit:x

Religious Kit:x

Smithing Kit:x

Tinkerer's Kit

Woodworking Kit:x

Writer's Kit:x

Set of Three Scrolls 3 df Magnifying Glass(or wearable glasses) 3 df Ink 2 df
Quill 3 df Paper Weight(design by Class) 3 df Measuring Compass 2 df
Compass 3 df
A Full Set of Beakers and Glasses 3 df Mortar and Pestle 3 df Full Set of Chemistry Instruments 2 df
Oil 3 df Pouch 3 df Briefcase 2 df
Measuring Cups 3 df
Bone 3 df Flint 3 df Hand Axe 2 df
Feathers 3 df Quiver 3 df
Satchel 3 df Hide Gloves 3 df Basket with Straps 2 df
Twine 3 df Tacks 3 df
Gloves (see Clothing section) Mask 3 df Set of Lockpick 2 df
Skeleton Key 3 df Switch Knife (see Weapons section) Rope 2 df
Set of Five Smoke Bombs 3 df
Flint Skinning Knife 3 df Tarp 3 df Rope 2 df
Oil 3 df
Needle and Thread 3 df One 12 oz Bottle of Salve 3 df Bone Saw 2 df
Scalpel 3 df Nausea Aid 12 oz 3 df Medical Book 2 df
Gauze 3 df Broken Limb Brace 3 df Mask 3 df

Flint Skinning Knife 3 df Tarp 3 df Rope 2 df
Oil 3 df
Flint Skinning Knife 3 df Tarp 3 df Rope 2 df
Oil 3 df
Flint Skinning Knife 3 df Tarp 3 df Rope 2 df
Oil 3 df

Magical Kits



Ranged Weaponry
Crossbow, Bracer 1500 df Crossbow, Hand 2000 df Crossbow Bolts (10) 100 df
Dagger, Throwing 100 df Knife, Spider Throwing 1000 df Shuriken 100 df
Slingshot 50 df Slingshot (Benshiran) 60 df Slingshot Bullets (10) 10 df
Axe, Throwing 800 df Boomerang 400 df Chakram 1000 df
Crossbow, Light 2500 df Crossbow Bolts (10) 100 df Crossbow, Aquatic 3500 df
Crossbow Bolts, Aquatic (10) 200 df Dart 50 df Flutegun 1500 df
Flutegun Needles (20) 500 df Rope Dart 400 df Rope Dart, Bladed 500 df
Rope Dart, Chained 600 df Rope Dart, Chained/Bladed 700 df Sling 10 df
Sling Bullets (10) 10 df Whip 100 df
Blowgun 1000 df Blowgun Needles (20) 100 df Bolas, 3-Ball 1500 df
Crossbow, Heavy 5000 df Crossbow, Quad 40,000 df Crossbow Bolts (10) 100 df
Crossbow, Repeating 15,000 df Crossbow, Repeating Clip (5 Bolts) 100 df Harpoon, Light 1000 df
Javelin 100 df Lariat 100 df Net 2000 df
Shortbow 3000 df Shortbow, Composite 1500 df Shortbow Arrows (20) 100 df
Bladed Bow 3500 df Crossbow, Siege 25,000 df Crossbow, Siege Bolts (10) 2500 df
Longbow 2500 df Longbow, Composite 6000 df Longbow Arrows (20) 100 df
Staff Sling 300 df
Ballista 50,000 df Ballista bolt 100 df Catapult, heavy 80,000 df
Catapult stone, heavy 100 df Catapult, light 5500 df Catapult stone, light 100 df
Ram 100,000 df Siege Tower 200,000 df Trebuchet 120,000 df
Trebuchet stone 400 df
Special Arrows
Arrow, Armour Piercing (20) 2000 df Arrow, Barbed (20) 1000 df Arrow, Broad (20) 1500 df
Arrow, Fire 1500 df Arrow, Fishing (20) 400 df Arrow, Flight (20) 300 df
Arrow, Game (20) 400 df Arrow, Whistling (20) 2000 df
Pepperbox, Flint-lock Pistol 25 ft. Range Single Shot 10,000 df
Pepperbox, Flint-lock Pistol 25 ft. Range Double Shot 25,000 df
Pepperbox, Flint-lock Pistol 25 ft. Range Triple Shot 50,000 df
Wyvern, Flint-lock Rifle 75 ft. Range Single Shot 50,000 df
Wyvern, Flint-lock Rifle 75 ft. Range Double Shot 100,000 df
Wyvern, Flint-lock Rifle 75 ft. Range Triple Shot 200,000 df
Dragonwrath, Cannon 1,000 Yard Range Single Shot 1,500,000 df
Caster Shell (Lesser) (10) 2500 df
Caster Shell (Minor) (10) 5000 df
Caster Shell (Greater) (1) 35,000 df Cannon ammunition only.

Melee Weaponry
Bagh Nakh 300 df Bladed Boots 1200 df Dagger 200 df
Dagger, Assassin’s 400 df Dagger, Double-Bladed 800 df Dagger, Ear 500 df
Dagger, Hollow Pommel 800 df Dagger, Punching 200 df Daggers, Tamo 2000 df
Finger Razors 500 df Flametongue 2000 df Garotte 50 df
Gauntlets 200 df Gauntlets, Edged 800 df Gauntlets, Spiked 500 df
Gauntlets, Studded 500 df Gauntlet, Teethed 1000 df Knife 50 df
Knife, Wrist 100 df Knuckleduster 50 df Kukri 800 df
Sickle 600 df Mace, Light 500 df
Spiked Helmet 2500 df Stiletto 100 df
Sword-Catcher 900 df Ribbon Daggers 100 df
Angle-Knife 1000 df Armor Blades 600 df Club 50 df
Dagger, Sap Pommel 100 df Gladius 4500 df Halfspear 100 df
Hammer, Light 100 df Handaxe 600 df Iron Fan 2500 df
Kopis 400 df Jutte 400 df Kama 200 df
Kris 500 df Lance, Barbed, Light 1000 df Lance, Blunt, Light 700 df
Lance, Light 600 df Mace, Chained 3500 df Mace, Heavy 1200 df
Morningstar 800 df Nunchaku 200 df Pick, Light 400 df
Rooster Blade 1600 df Sap 100 df Sawtooth 1000 df
Shield, Mancatcher 1800 df Sword, Cutlass 1200 df Sword, Short 1000 df
Sword-Breaker 1600 df Wakizashi 10,000 df Wrist Razor 6500 df
Aclis 100 df Battleaxe 1000 df Beads, Assassin’s 1000 df
Death-Head Stick 1000 df Flail, Light 800 df Karvar 500 df
Katana 10,000 df+ Khopesh 1500 df Lance, Barbed, Heavy 1400 df
Lance, Blunt, Heavy 800 df Lance, Heavy 1000 df Longsword 1500 df
Pick, Heavy 800 df Rapier 2000 df Scimitar 1500 df
Sword Cane 3500 df Sword Gauntlet 4500 df Sword, Bastard 3500 df
Sword, Broad 3500 df Sword, Crescent 3000 df Sword, Estoc 1000 df
Sword, Skirmish 2500 df Sword, Tiger Hook 2000 df Sword, Avialae 4500 df
Tonfa, Metal 1200 df Tonfa, Wooden 300 df Trident 1500 df
Tulwar 2200 df Waraxe 2000 df Warhammer 1200 df
Axe, Double-Bladed 6000 df Sword, Double-Bladed 5000 df Bec-De-Corbin 3000 df
Bladed Cloak 4000 df Chain, Spiked 2500 df Club, Wolf’s Teeth 3500 df
Executioner’s Sword 7500 df Falchion 7500 df Falx 2500 df
Flail, Dire 9000 df Flail, Heavy 1500 df Flamberge 15,000 df
Glaive 800 df Greataxe 3000 df Greatclub 500 df
Greatsword 5000 df Guisarme 900 df Halberd 1000 df
Hammer, Great 8000 df Kwan Dao 2500 df Lance, Dire 2000 df
Longspear 500 df Mancatcher 4000 df Naginata 2000 df
Pike 1000 df Quarterstaff 100 df Pollaxe 1100 df
Ranseur 1000 df Rock Crusher 5000 df Scythe 1800 df
Shortspear 200 df Spear, Snake 2000 df Spear, Two Headed 1000 df
Staff, Iron 2500 df Sword, Two-Bladed 10,000 df War Fork 4500 df
Widowmaker 3500 df
Weapon Related
Dwarven Steel Cost x 5 Cold Iron Cost x 3 Flint Cost / 2
Glass Cost x 2 Iron Cost / 1.5 Steel Listed Cost
Practice, Metal Core Cost / 2 Practice, Wooden Cost / 4 Pure Copper Cost x 4
Pure Gold Cost x 7 Pure Silver Cost x 6 Bone/Ivory Cost / 2 - Cost x 4
Eberrite Cost x 100
Weapon Extras
Atlatl 300 df Crossbow Bayonet 2000 df Handle Tip 1500 df
Hilt Flail 1000 df Kusari Gama 3500 df Ornate Flail/Mace Head 3000 df
Serrated Blade 30,000 df Sword Guard, Catcher 1500 df Sword Guard, Ornate 12,500 df
Sword Handle, Grip 10,000 df Sword Handle, Ornate 10,000 df Sword Pommel, Ornate 15,000 df
Sword Pommel, Weighed 1500 df Swordstealer Hilt 1000 df


Iron: x

Steel: x

Obsidian: x

Dunarium: x

Redspear Steel: x

Iron Cuirass 3 df Iron Greaves 3 df Iron Gauntlets 2 df
Iron Pauldrons 3 df Iron Tassets 3 df Iron Boots 2 df
Steel Cuirass 3 df Steel Greaves 3 df Steel Gauntlets 2 df
Steel Pauldrons 3 df Steel Tassets 3 df Steel Boots 2 df
Obsidian Cuirass 3 df Obsidian Greaves 3 df Obsidian Gauntlets 2 df
Obsidian Pauldrons 3 df Obsidian Tassets 3 df Obsidian Boots 2 df
Dunarium Cuirass 3 df Dunarium Greaves 3 df Dunarium Gauntlets 2 df
Dunarium Pauldrons 3 df Dunarium Tassets 3 df Dunarium Boots 2 df
Redspear Steel Cuirass 3 df Redspear Steel Greaves 3 df Redspear Steel Gauntlets 2 df
Redspear Steel Pauldrons 3 df Redspear Steel Tassets 3 df Redspear Steel Boots 2 df




As a member of a certain class, you own up to eight outfits of that class' general tier or level of quality. These items are for if you wish to purchase additional sets throughout RP.

Velvet x6 Silk x5 Damasked x4
Lace x3 Fur x2 Common x1
Angle-Knife 1000 df Armor Blades 600 df Club 50 df
Dagger, Sap Pommel 100 df Gladius 4500 df Halfspear 100 df
Hammer, Light 100 df Handaxe 600 df Iron Fan 2500 df
Kopis 400 df Jutte 400 df Kama 200 df
Kris 500 df Lance, Barbed, Light 1000 df Lance, Blunt, Light 700 df
Lance, Light 600 df Mace, Chained 3500 df Mace, Heavy 1200 df
Morningstar 800 df Nunchaku 200 df Pick, Light 400 df
Rooster Blade 1600 df Sap 100 df Sawtooth 1000 df
Shield, Mancatcher 1800 df Sword, Cutlass 1200 df Sword, Short 1000 df
Sword-Breaker 1600 df Wakizashi 10,000 df Wrist Razor 6500 df
Aclis 100 df Battleaxe 1000 df Beads, Assassin’s 1000 df
Death-Head Stick 1000 df Flail, Light 800 df Karvar 500 df
Katana 10,000 df+ Khopesh 1500 df Lance, Barbed, Heavy 1400 df
Lance, Blunt, Heavy 800 df Lance, Heavy 1000 df Longsword 1500 df
Pick, Heavy 800 df Rapier 2000 df Scimitar 1500 df
Sword Cane 3500 df Sword Gauntlet 4500 df Sword, Bastard 3500 df
Sword, Broad 3500 df Sword, Crescent 3000 df Sword, Estoc 1000 df
Sword, Skirmish 2500 df Sword, Tiger Hook 2000 df Sword, Avialae 4500 df
Tonfa, Metal 1200 df Tonfa, Wooden 300 df Trident 1500 df
Tulwar 2200 df Waraxe 2000 df Warhammer 1200 df


As a member of a certain class, you own up to twelve pieces of jewelry of that class' tier or level of quality. These items are for if you wish to purchase additional trinkets/accessories throughout RP.





Even to own a PC slave, you must purchase them at their tier.
