
From Atharen Wiki

Revision as of 06:25, 28 December 2021 by Ruin (talk | contribs) (→‎Arcanacrags)


In Atharen's earliest days, the living gods experimented with their own divinity to create sentient life. The result of repeatedly experimenting with severed scraps of their divinity, and fusion with ether, was the Noradac, or Spirits in common terms. They were the foundational building blocks that led to the creation of the mortal races. The Noradac are diverse in their physiology and vary from a wide range of shapes and sizes. Despite their differences, one thing unites them: Divinity. They are all made from a portion of their creator's divinity, crystallized within a shell of ether.

Some Fragments are made from the calcified remains of Noradac, and occur naturally throughout Atharen. These fragments are often referred to as 'Arcanacrags', because of their applications in relation to magic. Other Fragments are the result of mortal meddling and are born from the stolen essence of mages. This latter variety is commonly referred to as Sunderscraps because of its application in Sunderring. Both have a wide variety of uses and applications and play important roles in day-to-day life on Atharen.




These types of Fragments have existed almost for almost as long as the spirits have wandered Atharen. Simply left alone to gather moss were the gravesites of Fallen Noradac, until the mortal races discovered them, unknowing of their origins, and began to experiment. These 'Fragments', as they were dubbed, reacted strangely to raw magic, and optimally to different marks of control and different spells. Others were found to have no immediate uses and were often established as nothing more than interesting ornaments.

It was the humans that realized the origins of the Fragments, proceeding the first Noradac hunt. The spirit, when it finally fell to the vicious onslaught of raw magic, bullet, and blade, imploded in a burst of light so bright that the closest hunters were burned skin deep and permanently blinded by its radiance. It was recalled that the sky darkened after the Noradac's fall, but such claims have since been brushed off as the adjustment of the eyes to such bright light - for those that weren't blinded and burned.

In the Noradac's wake was a clump of calcified essence, which resembled the divinity/raw magic crystalline alloy that made up known Arcanacrags at the time. Once the crystal was confirmed to be an Arcanacrag, an object that was priceless in its early days, Noradac hunting became intensely popular for years afterward. Entire factions formed with the goal of hunting and slaying these Noradac, and Arcanacrags collected were used in the creation of intense race weaponry that was used for the purpose of tracking and killing spirits.




