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Brondrachen (or Brass Dragons) are among the upper echelon of Atharen's animal Drakes, those not created by individual Gods to serve some purpose. They are Tier 6 beasts, and are known for their intellect and stunning ability to outmaneuver and deceive. Considering they are among the most intelligent of Dragons on Atharen, they have learned to harness World Magic. Brass Dragons are particularly fond of the magic of Artifice, the source of their name, and frequently use it to augment themselves with mechanical limbs or armor plating. They are also known to design golems, filling their lairs with strange, often useless automatons. Almost all adult Brondrachen are fully plated in dense copper-colored armor, and they typically sculpt and empower their wings with similar techniques to make them more durable and capable of sustaining greater speeds. Considering they are not afraid to flee and repair themselves if damaged, they are incredibly difficult to kill, though due to their reclusive nature they are low in number. They typically live in mountainous caves.


Koldrachen (or Crystal Dragons) are incredibly powerful creatures, but one has never been seen outside of Reverie or Muid. They are Tier 7 beasts and are responsible for the dreams and nightmares of many, their form itself a shifting gallery of blended imagery. Being that Crystal Dragons are essentially living dreams, they wield a very personal connection to mortals, and take interest in their dreamers. The most lucid dreams appear to be ones where their influence is the most tangible, though it is unknown what draws them to specific minds within Reverie.

Due to the nature of their abilities, their power is that of shaping reality itself. This means that within Reverie, they are almost invincible beings of God-like strength, as they can reform the world around any hostile force to be completely at their mercy. Thus, they serve as Kyrikain's great guardians, defending him and his realm.


Nürdrachen (or Black Dragons, pictured above) are among the most powerful subtype of Dragon, considered to be Tier 7 beasts. They are the servants of the Living God Malek, who enforce his will. They are known by a few within the Black Remedy's inner circle to be the creators and distributors of Beacons, necessary to initiate others into Sigilic Pyromancy. In fact, Sigilic Pyromancy is designed after them, as they breathe natural Shrivenflame capable of obliterating spiritual beings and the undying with incredible ease. Nürdrachen are also massive, onyx colored beasts, much larger than the typical Dragon seen on Atharen.

Because of the rarity of their sightings, they are mostly anomalous. However, scholars of planar cosmology know that they are adept at traversing through the Dead Realm and are capable of consuming and harvesting miasma, as well as breathing and utilizing it for their own ends. This makes them a truly diverse and terrifying beast.