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Fast Facts

Height: 5'8"-6'2" Males, 5'4"-5'10" Females

Weight: 150-200(lbs) Males, 100-140(lbs) Females

Lifespan: Please see 'Reproduction, Aging and Death'

Notable Features: Glowing Blue Eyes, Intricate Tattoos, Strong Physiques, Undead Traits

Player Restrictions: None

Racial Ability: Neverborn: Kohrün are not birthed, they are revived, through a Necromantic-like energy that is naturally imbued into their race. Y'shendra, their patron and creator, has given their bodies the ability to retain their souls in death, creating infinite cycles of death and rebirth for their kind. So in-tune with these souls are they that they can manipulate them for a variety of abilities, as is described later in this article.

Population: 15,000,000





Neverborn Abilities

Kohrün, all of them, wield what is called a 'deathless soul'. A soul that has been anchored to their form by Y'shendra, who does not allow them to truly die or pass on to the afterlife. This augmentation is naturally imbued with 'abilities', crafted by Y'shendra to serve her people throughout their many lives. Chief of all abilities is the 'entity' known as the Neverborn. The Neverborn is a hunter: it is an internalized, quietly-kept aspect of the Kohrün, responsible for a compulsion of theirs towards savagery. It is an undead spirit within a deathless soul, one that gnaws at a Kohrün's sanity and must be bitten back and restrained. It holds an instinct towards cannibalism and rage, and compels the Kohrün to endeavor to sate those desires.

Kohrün are able to project their consciousness of theirs outward. By closing their eyes and focusing deeply on the hunger within, they may bring it out and peer through its eyes as it may do with them. In truth, the Neverborn is something of a pitiful being. Wielding an incorporeal form, even as it lashes out, it cannot claim victims. Instead, it can peer through the Dead Realm and gather information, observing others from afar. When a Neverborn is present, an uncomfortable chill can be felt by those it is observing, and they often begin to feel the same as one would as if being predated upon: the hunger becomes tangible, palpable within the air.

Interestingly, the Neverborn also improves upon the Kohrün's proficiency with Animus. It can inhabit animals and allow the Kohrün to peer through them in short, temporary bursts, though these bursts are proven to be highly effective at improving their Immersion and Synchrony, and even making them naturally more acute at the ability 'Warging'. With all of this the case, the Neverborn can be a potent ally for hunting and scouting, though it is also known to be difficult to control. Neverborn frequently escape the bodies of the Kohrün while they sleep, only to inhabit animals and force them into a visceral rage, preying on other beasts or even leading them to suicide. Neverborn frequently torment the Kohrün's minds with its own grim curiosity, leading to nightmares, and an inescapable fear-mixed-exhilaration that they often live through in frequent if short bursts.

The Neverborn is limited by time. The longer it is controlled, the more strain it can result in as the Kohrün begins to face a flood of lethargy and even pain. Even a few minutes of separation can lead to severe retribution, with the Neverborn forced to wander back to an unconscious Kohrün. The creature cannot be seen by any observers save for other Neverborn, ghosts or those who can peer into the Dead Realm, and it cannot be permanently killed, reforming within the Kohrün's soul over a period of days. It appears much like a wildly tall (nearly nine feet), bent over, lanky man-like shape of frost-like, blue ethereal limbs.





Clothing, Grooming and Art


Religion and Worship


Reproduction, Aging, and Death



The Kohrün speak Kokalath, the primary language of the Rünskaldr archipelago, as well as the Kingdom of Tyrclaid.

Common names for the Kohrün include:

Males: Erik, Svend, Ulfran, Bjørn, Jorek, Hakandr

Females: Jaela, Saoirse, Gunhild, Runa, Sigrid, Veljya