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Revision as of 14:18, 15 October 2021 by Sovereign (talk | contribs) (→‎History)


Fast Facts

Height: Varies widely, and is entirely based on origin race.

Weight: Varies widely, and is entirely based on origin race.

Lifespan: Eternal

Notable Features: Pearl-Colored Irises, Grey Skin Undertones, Unrecoverable Wounds, Jittery Movements

Player Restrictions: None

Racial Ability: True Undeath: Unlike all other races on Atharen, the Dunash are truly immunized from the consequences of death and aging. They may have their organs cut through, their arms and legs dismembered, and may live for a thousand years; in all cases, they continue to survive. The two reliable ways to kill a Dunash are to decapitate them, or to set them on fire. Few other things can truly kill them, and many have learned to repair their bodies with Necromancy.

Population: 53,000,000, 99% on Icheron; rare in continental Atharen.


The Dunash were created with a promise: that they would one be the only men and women left, one day set to rule all of the surface world. The culmination of hundreds of years of purposefully whittling away at subject after subject, crafting, shaping and reshaping them to suit her desires. They were designed to transition mortal from immortal, living and dead to a perpetual state in-between. The Umber Lady, Y'shendra, crafted them with love and hope. Merely one of many races she would create, but finally, her last.

The first of them created went on to be made their King, a pawn by the name of Luther Wayte. Mortals should rule themselves, after all, even if it is only an illusion. Forged piece-by-piece in Bel from the carcass of a mortal man, Y'shendra crafted him to perfection; she stuck her talons into him and learned that no wound could truly subdue him, that he would crawl on his abdomen if not his legs, that he would grab with his teeth if not his hands. He was dismembered, piece by piece, and reconstructed until his construction yielded certainty. Death could not claim him by age or most wounds; he was as impervious as any living thing could ever be. A perfect creation to spite the Living Gods, who would not be able to harness his soul or those who came after him, reaving him of their essence for their selfish needs.

More Dunash were made, and sent out through the Barrengate of Zahn, which Y'shendra had managed to conquer from Valteran. wip







The Clans


Clothing, Grooming and Art


Religion and Worship


Reproduction, Aging, and Death




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