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The Origins

Resonance is one of the oldest magics on Atharen, initially created by Courlan and spread among his most ardent followers. Through Resonance, his aim was to allow some of them to be able to inter-communicate and connect to one another through long distances, making their operations more efficient. Later, as Resonance developed and expanded, some of his most gifted followers even became able to meet with him directly in Muid. As time passed by, and especially when the Gods became less involved in the affairs of Atharen, many of Courlan's followers began to initiate other aspiring mages into Resonance, the magic eventually spreading across the globe. Now, Resonance is a highly sought after magic due to the convenience of its abilities, and their diverse applications. It is also among the most dangerous to learn, making it relatively rare as few wish to take the risk of mastering it themselves.


Synchronous Resonance: The magic of Resonance is the source of scientific understanding on the concept of Resonance itself, as well as several other theories involving sound. Much of these ideas are based in the concept of 'Synchronous Resonance', which explains how Resonance forms portals without having direct power over space and distance. Synchronous Resonance works through vibrations, matching against the natural frequency of the fabric of planar matter. When the vibrations created by Resonance reach against the surface of this matter, they can shatter through this matter by synchronizing their vibrations to the perfect, exact pitch. Once the matter is broken, a Resoner transmits frequencies to one of their Shard Resonators, which allows them to resonate the correct vibrations on the other side. This will then create a pathway for the Resoner to enter and emerge through, a sonic portal that will collapse through an equally startling pitch, vibrating to correct itself as it shuts.

To a lesser extent, Synchronous Resonance is also applied to other abilities within Resonance. Wielding vibrations and synchronizing frequencies is the core of the magic, with a variety of different effects.

Particularity: One of Resonance's most unusual abilities is the Sonic Blink, with Particularity being its root. Particularity is the ability of a Resoner to disperse their individual particles through sound waves, preserving the integrity of their original shape in doing so. Their Mark of Control resonates with the sound around them, forming a frequency so in tune that they may oscillate within sound waves, or propel themselves through them. Once the Resoner arrives at the intended destination, their particles oscillate back into position, only to rematerialize as their Mark adjusts their frequency to separate from the resonance of the sound surrounding them.



The Mark of Resonance, as pictured above, is inscribed either horizontally or vertically on the initiate, typically either along the length of their spine or between their shoulders. It appears as if the visual representation of sound waves, and can be black, somewhat transparent or colorful.

Unlike with many initiations, initiation into Resonance depends largely on the initiator rather than the mage being initiated, though both have a part to play. Upon the Mark of Control being imbued into the aspiring Resoner's soul, the initiator must attune them to the key or frequency of the Mark. In order to do this, the initiator will intensely vibrate or undulate the body of the initiate until they are matched with the Mark's resonance. This is very difficult for a mortal body to endure, and as a result, a large number of initiates will develop massive ruptures from within, such as their bones shattering and lodging through organs, which themselves often burst, and so on. If the aspiring Resoner survives, they will be attuned to their Mark, which in turn allows them to act almost as a tuning fork themselves. This initiation can be especially taxing to the mage performing it, in comparison to other initiations. In addition, it is one of the few initiations where the skill or proficiency of the initiating mage can affect the outcome.


The drawbacks listed below do not always come in pairs, and certainly not simultaneously. Some may come and others may not.

Lesser: Nausea, fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, dehydration

Moderate: Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness


Degenerative Vibrato: The Resoner, upon severely Overstepping, will become unattuned to their Mark of Control. In response, the Mark will attempt to force them to reattune, mimicking near-exactly the experience of their initiation. Unlike their initiation, however, the Resoner does not have an initiating mage to stabilize or tune their vibrations. Because of this, most Resoners who experience this penalty will vibrate more and more until their entire body fractures and ruptures until their death.


Mutations of Resonance unsurprisingly tend to involve sound. Common examples include: the Resoner's voice beginning to resemble instruments, sometimes, frequently or even always producing musical sounds when they attempt to speak, the Resoner's voice changing - even developing a different accent - or typically a differing pitch. Some Resoners have been known to suddenly develop the voice of a man if they were a woman, or at least a tone deep enough to resemble such. Another common mutation is a psychological one: the Resoner will become much more interested in sound, music, voices, pitches, and other things. They may begin to appreciate loud sounds more, or will suddenly gain a compulsion to sing or perform music, and so on. Physically, their skin, bones or muscle may change to react to sound differently. Their skin may appear as if it ripples, vibrates or oscillates with sound, sometimes resulting in strange and mesmerizing effects. They may also find that all of the sound they produce is either amplified or dampened, which can have beneficial or detrimental effects depending on the setting and their intention.


Intonation: Novice. Intonation is the Resoner's ability to manipulate the tone of sound, amplify or dampen its volume, and - as one progresses in the magic - alter the timbre and other tonal qualities of sound. As an example, Intonation can be used to make a voice boom more loudly or decline into a whisper, it can be used to make the smooth sounds of a violin equate more to screeching. It can also be used to increase the distance that sound might travel, with a greater distance consuming marginally more ether. Intonation is simple conceptually, but very difficult to master. Most Resoners do not truly 'master' Intonation until they master the magic itself, slowly learning to amplify, manipulate and extend sound waves over time.

Sonic Blink: Novice. Sonic Blink utilizes 'Particularly', and in fact is the only ability that seems to do so until the Resoner Ascends to 'the Symphony'. Using the concepts listed within Particularity, a Resoner may disperse their particles through sound waves in order to emerge at a different location. This occurs at the speed of sound, at roughly 1000 ft/second, or 330 m/second.

Because of how quickly this occurs, it tends to appear as if an oscillating blur near-instantly travels from one point to another. Sonic Blink is one of the key abilities of Resonance, but is also the most dangerous to utilize. While it does not consume a large amount of ether to perform, more uses of Sonic Blink within a limited timeframe will release physical energy from the body as a result of the heat released from each movement. This will drain the Resoner's stamina and can result in their body shutting down from excessive use. Using Sonic Blink more than three times without resting and recovering through energy consumption (such as food) can result in the body beginning to shut down, and will typically result in the mage going unconscious. At Novice, the mage may only travel fifty feet through Sonic Blink. At Apprentice, this doubles, at Journeyman it increases to 400 feet, at Expert a kilometer, and at Master roughly two kilometers.

Sonar: Apprentice. Sonar is roughly described as the Resoner's ability to send a ping or pulse of sound outward, receiving an echo response in return. The Resoner, with time and practice, learns to interpret this echo through their Mark of Control, which will transcribe the information directly into their cognition. Sonar is an ability that, like many others with Resonance, becomes more potent as one increases in mastery and gains familiarity with it.

At Apprentice, a Resoner might be able to transcribe general shapes within the area of their pulse. At Journeyman, a Resoner can perceive specific details of those shapes, such as individual contours, at Expert they can understand the weight and density of those shapes, and at master they can perceive objects within those shapes. A Sonar pulse can be sent out at roughly the same distance of a Sonic Blink (varying by mastery), and will perceive objects around it in an area determined by ether expenditure. With higher mastery, less ether is required to gain information on larger areas, but considering the detail a master transcribes, it can take a long time for them to properly evaluate the information received through each pulse.

Rattle: Apprentice. Rattle utilizes Synchronous Resonance, manipulating the vibrations of an object by oscillating its frequencies. This is done on touch, with the Resoner instilling these disturbed frequencies at the moment of contact. Rattle is typically used in combat, and may result in an enemy's weapon rattling so intensely that they cannot continue to hold it, or their armor vibrating and clattering so much as to disturb their movements. Rattle must be maintained by ether, with small surfaces consuming only a minimal amount, while larger surfaces (such as an entire set of plate armor) can drain the mage's ether considerably if this ability is left maintained.

Aural Burst: Journeyman. Aural Burst allows the Resoner to manipulate their speed or the speed of objects by manipulating their resonance, or frequency. This is done, as the ability would imply, in a burst. The Resoner may propel themselves or another object forward a given distance, determined by the amount of ether they wish to apply to the burst. This ability is generally seen as a more reliable version of Sonic Blink, but with the Resoner only capable of accelerating to a temporary speed of up to 100 m/ph. Aural Burst is not without its vulnerabilities. To begin with, it does not make the Resoner intangible or instantly capable of moving to a different location on an atomic level the way Blink does.

This means the mage is vulnerable to being harmed as it passes from its starting to ending location. If a mage were to catapult into a tree, they are certain to die. At lower stages of mastery, Aural Burst is also very difficult to control. Momentum and traction are not easily regulated within this sono-burst, and the mage will often accelerate much too quickly with no process of deceleration upon reaching the intended destination. As such, they may break their legs, fall over and seriously harm themselves, and so on. Upon reaching Expert and Master, a Resoner learns how to more finely manipulate their speed, accelerating and decelerating at a safer pace.

Ethersonography: Journeyman. Ethersonography is sometimes considered a more advanced form of Sonar, allowing the Resoner to perceive much more advanced, high-specificity imagery within a smaller area. Ethersonography uses the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to construct this image, which the Resoner transcribes through their Mark and perceives cognitively. Applications of Ethersonography are vast, but are largely meant to observe the fine internal structure of objects or people. It is commonly used with Necromancy or non-magical medicine for surgical reasons, greatly expanding the doctor's grasp on their subject and allowing for cleaner and more advanced operations.

Shard Resonators: Expert. A Shard Resonator is a crystal, typically an etheric blue, that is painstakingly created by a Resoner through the expulsion and refinement of their Resonance ether, channeled through their Mark of Resonance. A Shard Resonator is generally the size of a fist, requiring a large quantity of ether in order to create it, often enough to push a mage to the verge of light Overstepping. Further, it must be refined upon its production, its edges shaped and honed into a crystalline structure of variable shape.

The Resonator, once constructed, allows the Resoner to massively augment the distance and force of sound-wave travel, allowing for long-distance usage of Synchronous Resonance. Without Ascension into the Symphony, a Resonator must exist on both sides in order for a pathway to be created. These devices can create sound oscillations intense enough to puncture large, temporary boundaries in the fabric of Atharen while still being connected to another part of it on the other side. This allows for the mage, as well as multiple people or objects to be moved.

Shard Resonators are almost always mounted on telescope-like pedestals, installed within the upper part of the frame. They will typically float freely, tethered to the edges with small strings of ether. In order to use the Resonator to produce a portal, you release the sound wave intended to fracture the planar boundary through the Resonator, which acts as an amplifier. Shard Resonators are also frequently called 'Shards'. Their distances and limitations are detailed in the progression tiers of the magic below.

Transmission: Expert. Transmission is an ability that allows for the imbuing of an object with the ability to perceive long-range frequencies. This is done by placing a Shard Resonator within an enclosed object, typically with a small rectangular or spherical window in the front of the object to allow for sound to be emitted and received by the mortal ear. The Shard Resonator is manipulated for this purpose, condensed into a smaller form as it is whittled and refined by ether.

In order for Transmission to work, there must be a 'receiver' transmitter on the opposite end which also contains a Shard Resonator. Once there is a transmitter and receiver, both of which are interchangeable and may communicate back and forth, the person using the artifact may transmit and receive sounds from other Resonator devices their device is attuned to. Devices may be attuned to one another if they are created by the same Resoner, or if another Resoner is allowed to imbue their own ethereal frequency within the device.

Kinesthesia: Expert. Kinesthesia utilizes a variation Sonar in order to acquire a constant stream of information. The mage will produce a slightly reverberating frequency around them which will feed back to them, allowing them to sense vibrations in a complete radius around their person. This allows for them to react to and perceive the smallest movements in all directions, and to sense the movement of hidden objects or persons, dramatically increasing their perceptive capability. Kinesthesia can only be performed within a radius of twenty feet around the mage, and consumes a small amount of ether constantly as long as it is maintained.

Sonant Void: Master. Sonant Void is similar to Intonation in that the Resoner manipulates the volume or intensity of sound. It is, however, much more advanced. The Resoner can completely null all sound around them within a radius of fifty feet, or within a specific designated area with the same radius or boundaries. The Resoner shifts the reverberations of sound waves to completely evade others ability to hear them, and directly funnels all of these sound wave vibrations into their own ear or perception. This allows them to hear movement or other sound within an area clearly, while others will not be able to perceive any sound at all. This ability does not consume a large amount of ether to maintain, but can consume a moderate amount to perform.

Interplanar Resonance: Interplanar Resonance requires three Shard Resonators to perform, all in the same location and linked together by a thin stream of ether. The mage produces a massive amount of sound, manipulating its vibrations and synchronizing its frequency to the boundaries of Atharen's plane, similar to the portals formed by linked Shard Resonators. With the massive amount of sound generated, and the intensity of the vibrations, the Resoner perfectly attunes each vibration to the world's boundaries before applying an immense amount of force and pressure. The result is that the boundary of the plane itself is momentarily shattered the same way sound might shatter glass. As it warps and reverberates around the shatter-site, the Resoner can step through in order to reach the intended plane.

Interplanar Resonance is an ability that requires a lot of preparation and information to perform. Atharen's planar boundaries, at specific points, are linked to other planar boundaries. Bel is more closely connected to Atharen in the area surrounding Mithira, such as Sil-Elaine, Daravin and Koltoskai. Muid can be broken into near the northern edges of Lorien and western Ganeron, while western Radenor and the Wastes can be linked to the Outlands, as a few examples. The location the Interplanar Portal is formed will directly determine where the Resoner ends up on the other side. A careless Resoner may end up deep in the thick of the Endless War, slaughtered by Dregs shortly after emerging. It is strongly recommended that any character wishing to perform this ability contact a moderator knowledgeable on Resonance, such as Sovereign and Hekatos.

Symphony Abilities

Aural Suspension: Through permanent music, uplift a hovering Bastion that the Symphony can finely control, uplifting a flying citadel, fortress or structure. Called 'Concert Hall'. This ability will be expanded upon once the first Symphony Ascends.


As a Novice, a beginning Resoner will primarily focus on mastering the concepts of Particularity and Synchronous Resonance. Even though the mage cannot yet craft portals through Resonators, they are able to begin matching frequencies between two different points, objects, or intermingling sound waves. This will consume much of their time in progressing beyond this point, in addition to learning their two entry abilities, Intonation and Sonic Blink. Intonation is regarded as a safe method of learning how to manipulate frequencies and sound, while Sonic Blink is conversely very lethal for initiates. A large minority of new Resoners die in their first attempt to perform Sonic Blink, their particles splattering around them as they attempt to infuse them into sound waves. Because of this, many Resoners will actually learn Sonic Blink later, when they are more proficient with the basics of Resonance.


An Apprentice Resoner gains access to two new abilities, Sonar and Rattle. Sonar expands upon the basic ability to produce and manipulate sounds that come with Intonation, while Rattle expands upon the concept of Synchronous Resonance, manipulating the frequencies and vibrations within an object to force it to move or shake. In addition, if a Resoner has learned to Blink at this point, their ability to do so improves, allowing for an extended range.


A Journeyman Resoner learns how to perform more complex Sonar, using sonograms to perceive detailed imagery through Ethersonography. They are also, upon learning the ability, capable of accelerating their movements through sound frequency oscillation via Aural Burst. Their ability to perform Sonar and Sonic Blink are both improved, and Particularity becomes much safer for a Journeyman Resoner to perform, as they have become more capable of tuning and manipulating sound frequencies around them.


Expert is often considered the largest burst in power or utility for a Resoner. They are able to produce Shard Resonators, or Shards, by leaking and condensing their ether into a crystalline form. Through these Shards, they may perform an advanced function of Synchronous Resonance: resonating two frequencies in order to shatter a hole within matter, allowing them to travel between two distant points, so long as there are Resonators on both sides and they perform the same feat on each side of the portal. Shard Resonators may also be altered to be used for Transmission, allowing communication between multiple linked Resonators across long distances.

At this point, Resonators may communicate and allow travel within 1500 miles. Due to the intense vibrations required to rupture open one of these portals, the Resoner as well as surrounding objects or lifeforms will have their entire bodies rattled, causing side effects. While infrequent usage of these portals or at a lesser distance (as more distance requires more intense vibrations) may only result in minor side effects, frequent or longer-ranged usage can result in migraines, nausea, fatigue, and other similar symptoms that may last for a period of days or even weeks. Finally, an Expert Resoner gains access to Kinesthesia, a form of constant Sonar to perceive vibrations around them.


A Master Resoner gains access to Sonant Void and Interplanar Resonance, with the latter being among the most coveted abilities of any Raw Magic. In addition, they truly master all of their abilities, becoming able to perform the most effective forms of Sonar, Sonic Blink, Aural Burst and Intonation. Their Shard Resonators allow for communication and travel to a maximum distance of 2500 miles, save for in the case of Interplanar Resonance which - through three linked Resonators - can even break the planar boundary.

Ascension: The Symphony

The Symphony is a strangely haunting, and beautiful, Ascension. The first thing any eye would discern of a Symphony is the ornate nature to their skin; individual lines are chiseled like the form of a statue, smoother and more refined. Along their body exists the tangled form of an instrument, built in a way that perfectly aligns with their humanoid shape. A Symphony might have the holes of a clarinet running along their arm, the skin around them smooth and marble-white. They may have the strings of a guitar across their chest, or their arm might form a harp when extended into the right shape. Their fingers might become miniature ocarinas, easily played by their lips. Each Symphony has a unique form, and can vary in its level of musical complexity, or the number of instruments that are a part of their totality. Some may be imbued with complex instruments, and some with simple ones; a chest that can be pounded to produce the sounds of a drum, for example.

Whatever the case, they are elegant. Their ears change slightly, strange, tiered rungs forming within the corridor leading through their ear-canal. The point of their ear will become embroidered along its edges by a golden, bangle-like material. The Symphony's irises manifest their change very uniquely; they will react to vibrations around them, the shape and color of their eyes responding to adjustments of surrounding sound waves. A yell might literally cause the interior of their iris to shift in wave-form, as if graphing sounds.

The Symphony no longer needs to perform Particularity to transport themselves through sound waves. Instead, the Symphony can quite literally become sound waves, their body restructuring into oscillating vibrations that allow them to become effectively intangible. In this state, they may move at the speed of sound, making the Symphony among the fastest living entities in existence. This state may be maintained frequently in bursts, or for a prolonged period of time at the expense of compounding ether requirements, making the state more draining the longer it is held, or the more it is used within a short period of time.

The Symphony is permanently producing a frequency around them that they can manipulate to sound however they like. This frequency instills them passively and permanently with the ability Kinesthesia, allowing them to perceive movement around themselves with exceptional clarity, even when in their sound-wave state. The Symphony may also perform all of their other magics through sound; this does not mean they move at the speed of sound, but may be generated without any necessary gestures or other movements, instead only requiring a pitch to initiate them. When playing music from one of their internal instruments, a Symphony slightly reduces the inefficiencies of ether exchange within their soul, allowing them increased arcane stamina if they can perform magic while playing.

For this reason, a Symphony is almost always performing music while within a battlefield, and rarely pulls their hands away from the instrument or instruments they are playing. Because of their ability to manipulate sound around them, they can alter and enhance the timbre and bass of their instruments, as well as shifting simple air vibration frequencies to appear like instrumental sounds themselves, thus capable of performing an orchestra single-handedly.

For more information, see: The Ascendant.


  • All Resoners gain the ability to perceive and receive large amounts of sound without damage to the internal structure of their ears.

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