
From Atharen Wiki


The Origins

Made by Izonata, and partially Maztyx. Practitioners called 'Risen'. x


Greymage: Baptism's Mark of Control imbues the Risen with a particular interest towards nuance and balance; the ability to see and perceive things for what they are, versus what they are meant to be, and the way that good intentions can both appeal to others and sour into dogmatic ideology. While this does not make the Risen an oracle of understanding or wisdom, it does allow aide them in better dissecting the complexities of ideologies and their draw. This trait of Baptism's Mark is meant to allow the Risen to combat those ideologies through gauging their internal logic. Rather than necessarily imbuing the Risen with empathy, 'Greymage' as a concept is one that aides in their dissolution of strong ideology altogether. As a note, not all Risen must be ideologically neutral or necessarily balanced, as this innate concept interacts with the individual's pre-existing notions and beliefs.

The Doors: Delusions



The drawbacks listed below do not always come in pairs, and certainly not simultaneously. Some may come and others may not.

Lesser: Nausea, fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, dehydration

Moderate: Bleeding through the nose, eyes and ears, intense cramps, seizure-like shocks and spasms, internal bleeding, vomiting and weakness




Realign: Novice. Change water between states. x

Ionize: Novice. Manipulate the acidity of water. x

Tendril: Apprentice. Water/ice/gas-limbs, water/ice/gas whips. x

Moondial: Apprentice. Scrying Pool. See the ways in which something's departing would impact/ripple the world around them. x

Immersion: Journeyman. Immerse another in water, determining many things about them by doing so. Waterboarding where you actually learn the truth. x

Purge: Journeyman. Imbue objects/water with burning/degenerative effects against ideological or strongly aligned enemies. x

Ensign: Journeyman. Water Elemental and Guardian. Shows reflection during interrogation. Can discern truth and lies, reflection changes based on honesty. x

Laceration: Expert. Sharp water. x

Cascade: Expert. Massive influx of water, fog or snow/ice. Water form is high pressure, demerges objects or organics. x

Pearl: Expert. Floating orb of water, can be freely manipulated; fortress for the Risen, who lies in center. x

Baptism: Master. Cleanse Corruption from the land. Undo/reverse magical effects. x

Rumination: Master. Blizzard, Acid Rain, or Hurricane. x

Celestian Abilities

x: x






Ascension: The Celestian

Lunar-like being. wip.