
From Atharen Wiki





Brazim was born the son of Maraxas, an Adac who lived long ago, before the creation of the Planes by Venadak and the extinction of the Adac race outside of those planes. He was one of the first Draedan, a piece of living evidence that the Gods could reproduce, though not with one another. His mother was a member of an alien race within the Outlands; a woman that he remembers fondly, though one inconsequential to his greater destiny. Brazim, within his early years before the exodus from the Outlands, developed his divine heritage at an unprecedented level. He became the first Draedan to unlock their domains, and eventually the first and only one to ever ascend to Godhood.

Once ascending, Brazim's following centuries became trying times. The only among his peers born to mortal heritage, he had a difficult time relating to the others surrounding him. He was easily welcomed among the ranks, yet felt that the sense of comradery formed between the Gods was hollow and empty. Their desires, to him, appeared muted; their motivations surprisingly drab, focused largely on their survival against the Outsider, who followed them from world to world, culling planets in his wake. Brazim remembered being a younger man and seeing the Adac perform great things; introducing their artifacts to young races, traveling across the galaxies and domineering the night sky within the corridors of great vessels. Now, as one of their order, he saw what he perceived to be a decay of their importance, and their purpose.

From the beginning of his life, Brazim could vividly recall a dream that he often confused with reality, or perhaps blended with his own reality, a strange byproduct of the celestial power he wielded as a divine. He could see himself at the edge of a regal balcony, a chalice of wine in his hand and a warm smile upon his lips; a crown wrapped around his head, a cape thrown over his back and a lover or two at his side. He would look down below to see a mass of women and men, looking back up at him with their hands raised, only for him to pour his wine over the edge of that balcony and have the masses below ravenously compete.

Sometimes, that dream-like vision drew out longer. The details became clearer; green fields below, cypress trees, a warm summery day meeting the vibrant colors of his palace. He would be addressed not as a King, but as something more. The Adac did not initially view themselves as 'Gods' at all, using largely different terminology: Wayfinders, Navigators, Creators, Architects. Brazim was the first of many things, and he was indeed the first to ask that others address him as a God. In his path to fulfill this prophecy, he proposed that Venadak forge a world of their own, and create mortals like the ones from his vision. From Brazim's vanity, and ambition, came the idea that Atharen be forged into existence. For others it was a means of survival, but for him, a place to be worshiped and to watch others grovel beneath him.










Notable Religious Factions




Amurlain, the Garden of Revelry. WIP.
