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Corvo are sometimes called 'Nightcrawlers', as their name roughly translates to such in the old Icherranian tongue they were first named in. Though they originate in the hills of Samara, the advent of the Dunash across Icheron and the domination of the Unbreathing Horde has forced them entirely astray of their original homes, clinging to old Covens and roots burrowed deep within Atharen's soil.

The Corvo, who all belong to a faction known as the Brotherhood of Scaeva, are a collective of men and women chosen by Brazim, securing information, culling threats and serving the whims and will of whichever merchant, Lord or King offers them coin. Though the Corvo offer Brazim information through their duties, it is largely believed that they are more a product of his vanity than practicality, a simple desire to leave his imprint upon the world.

Like most Blights, Corvo are rare in the world, perhaps the rarest save for the Wohlricht. If they were common, it would be impossible to know. They are secretive, and most of their changes are subtle enough to be imperceptible to those other than the most vigilant of eyes, or experts in the field of Blights. Some may speculate that a particularly handsome man in their village, known for bedding loosely, may be a Nightcrawler; the same may be said of a courtesan of legendary beauty and grace, a woman privy to the ears of great Lords and Ladies. These speculations are scant proven, and the trademark of any proper Nightcrawler - in the face of great speculation - is to disappear.


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