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Fragmenting refers to the practice of tampering with Arcanacrags, which extends to the creation of arcane-based technologies, the creation of World Magic tools, and the research and cataloging of these mystical stones. The practice is often viewed as controversial for its historically devastating impact on the ecosystem, but also the introduction of Sunderscraps to the world. Most regions will allow a Fragmenter to process in peace with minor regulation, though some smaller communities rebuke its practitioners as destructive polluters and spirit-killers.

A lot like Necromancy, Fragmenting has held back the world on the exploration of traditional sciences, as the convenience of Arcanacrags has historically fulfilled the need to innovate new technologies. That was until the craft withdrew into obscurity as the populations of Mortal races grew, and eventually returned to the world when corrupted Nor-Adac began to appear after the Bleeding of Venedak.


Arcanacrags are the remains of fallen Spirits, the Noradac leave them behind as a unique crystalline alloy that's composed of hardened divinity and raw ether. They were used as a tool to aid in survival by the earliest Fragmenters, and later found piqued interest by one of the most advanced peoples in all of Atharen's history.

It should come as no surprise to any that know them that the Ald'Norai were the first to unlock the hidden potential in Fragmenting.

Arlain, previously known as Indorin, the homeland of the Ald'Norai, is rich in copper and zinc. Both metals were used in the creation of Brass, a metallic alloy similar to gold in appearance. Though it was largely inexpensive and plentiful, the alloy made the perfect conductor for the magical effects that Arcanacrags could produce. This was the spark that ignited the boom in the Aldnorai's advancement, and domination over their neighbors. Without Brass as a conductor, it's impossible to reshape an Arcanacrag. When they discovered the ability to shape, cut, and Meld Arcanacrags, their advancements only accelerated.

There were only a handful of Fragmenting Forges in the land of Indorin, but they saw immense traffic every day with every corner of the Arcanacrag exploited to suit the needs of the Ashen Elves. It was during this time that Indorin began an inquest for the collection of the finite resource that was Arcanacrags. The almost limitless potential found in those Fragments elevated the Ald'Norai centuries above the rest of Atharen and placed them atop an unreachable throne on the exploited power of fallen Noradac. Their innovations in the field have yet to be replicated to the current day.

When the Ald'Norai fell, their technologies were unrecognized by humanity. Their tools and contraptions were seized upon and dismantled for the valuable Arcanacrags they harnessed. Utterly destroyed in the flames of war, Fragmenting vanished from the world for a time.

Modern Methods

It wasn't until after the bleeding of Venedak that it was discovered that Noradac, the Spirits, became Arcanacrags when they were slain. A series of great hunts were launched over a period of only fifty years, and plentiful Arcanacrags were placed in the hands of ambitious scholars and scientists. With a much higher floor of education than early society, as well as better advances in metallurgy, these scholars discovered alternative uses for the Arcanacrags. The Fragments that were once considered to be indestructible, could be manipulated and altered to bend and shape other Arcanacrags to the will of the crafter through the use of Brass as a conductor.

These Scholars, or Fragmenters as they were named at the time, created specialized tools that could bend and shape Arcanacrags as they saw fit. Anvils and hammers capable of doing so became common in the castles of kings and the palaces of emperors. When Arch Hollows were discovered, and the supply of Arcanacrags only grew as rulers and usurpers sought to claim control of them where they appeared, Fragmenters only innovated more and more with the crystallized essences, and eventually discovered means of refining and purifying the corrupted Fragments collected from the Hollows.

The process of Melding revolutionized the art and gave way to more and more advanced forms of Arcanacrag technology. Through Melding, there appears to be no limit on the potential that an Arcanacrag can achieve.


Though all the tools used in Fragmenting are created by manipulating Arcanacrags and brass alloy, it is much easier to create these tools with ready-made and available Fragmenting tools. The process can be compared to creating a frigate with naught but hand tools and raw materials versus a lumber mill to accurately and quickly cut lumber into the required sizes, and a forge to shape the nails and fittings. It's for this reason that most Fragmenters see it as a much more worthwhile investment to simply purchase their tools from another Fragmenter, who can create tools with much greater ease.

  • All the descriptions below are in nature of the tool's appearance and its general purpose in the art of Fragmenting. For more detailed uses and the processes these tools are involved with, please refer to the Processes section beneath.

Fragment Catalogue: A staple in any Fragmenter's kit is some form of documentation to record the applications and uses of all the Arcanacrags known to the world. While this is not a magical item, it is strongly recommended to just about every aspiring novice that they start one of these as soon as possible.

Shaping Bench: A large anvil of black iron, almost akin to a table in its size, often carved and engraved with golden-brass lining on the faces where work is not performed. A peddle is usually built into the foot of the Bench to allow for ease of control. Generally, it is used to reshape Arcanacrags. When used in conjunction with the Dividing Rod and the Welding Hammer, it has the potential to split and meld fragments. Without the addition of those tools, however, Fragments altered on the Shaping Bench must retain the same mass and take more time to alter without experience. The Shaping bench also makes it much easier to shape Imbued Metal, which is almost too tough to work for mundane smithing tools.

Dividing Rod: The tool is a single metal pick-like object, akin to a heavy black iron chisel in appearance, but with a brass core that can be seen through engravements in the body. The Inlays, which shine a shade of metallic gold, end right before the sharpened tooth of the tool. A small dial is usually affixed to the head of the chisel, where a hammer would strike on a Mundane tool, which can be used to alter the time that the loop cut it produces remains active. It can be used to cut Fragments into smaller, more manageable pieces when used in conjunction with the Shaping Bench.

The Etherforge: An enormous tower-like contraption that stands as a necessity in any Fragmenter's kit. Akin to a blast furnace in shape and design, but often built with a door that yields access to a cavity within the trunk and a single faucet with a fixture for a hose. The Etherforge is used in multiple processes including Purification, and Refinement.

Welding Hammer: Another tool that must be used in conjunction with the Shaping Bench is a large, brass-engraved hammer. It's often used as a means of combining Arcanacrags to achieve a variety of creations. The Hammer itself is normally designed for one-handed use, short with a larger flat head; the surface of which is usually dark iron in contrast to the brass engravements that line the body.

Hacking Bellows: A large set of Bellows that are usually made with a white material that's easily stained to help inform the Fragmenter of potential problems. The interior of the bellows is where an Arcanacrag tool is hidden, which can be used in the process of Purification by extracting corruption.

Shimmertrough: This dark iron barrel or vat is engraved with a series of brass veins that extend from a broad brass plate at the bottom of the structure. It creates a substance known as Shimmershine, which is created by mixing water and Sunderdust into the tool and leaving it to process for twenty-four hours. Shimmershine can be used to retain the toxicity of an Arcanacrag for use in refinement, as well as protect the Fragmenter from excessive exposure to corruption. In the creation of Relics, Shimmershine can be used for tempering and enhancing the toughness of Imbued Metals.

Fixing glass: The tool comes in a variety of designs, but most often appears as a spyglass with a bright green lense. While it can in theory appear as a monocle, a set of goggles, binoculars, and even a magnifying glass, the working lense will always appear bright fluorescent green with a brass rim wrapped around it. The tool allows the Fragmenter to Refine and Meld Arcanacrags by correcting and merging Fractals.









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