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Before the Gods were allies, Blevika considered them errant strangers, or even enemies. Born seething with prejudice and paranoia, any perceived betrayal would stoke her to violence, taking up arms against other Gods with an unfaltering fury. Alongside Malek, Blevika was one of the few Adac innately capable of killing their kin. She would challenge her peers to duels that would last for years, rending the surfaces of planets as their raw energy stirred cataclysmic reckonings. At the pinnacle of every battle, Blevika would destroy the godly essence of her foe, running them through with her divine blade.

Blevika's most renowned title, among the Gods and their eventual creations, has always been 'Blevika the Purifier'. Where she perceives the putrefaction and rot of a righteous social order, she draws her weapon, an executioner of those who falter from moral alignment for too long. Decadence her foe, she would appear before a people whose society had stagnated and begun to wane, offering them the tools for rebellion and violent rebirth.

When Blevika chose to join Venadak and the other Gods, it was out of fear. She admired the Outsider for its peerless ability to cleanse and reforge reality, but did not view her time alive as an experience nearing its end. With great reluctance, she consigned herself to the rules of the pact her kin had formed, reserving her destructive impulses until the Gods deigned to unleash her might.

And then, she lingered and observed, peering upon the world beneath her feet, her conscious mind projecting away from Muid to witness the chaos that reigned below. Blevika fulfilled her oath to Venadak with no shortage of unease, her hand oft gripping the pommel of her sword as she witnessed corruption, degenerative rhetoric and ideology, and structural decay. When she was finally given the chance to act upon her instincts, to cull the ruling order of the Unbroken Empire, Blevika followed the other Gods eagerly into battle, severing the head of Valen Dres herself.

And like the others who swore to defend their own, she was imprisoned within Bel, struck with corruption as the convergence of the planar boundaries ignited the world with cataclysm.

Blevika was enraged, furious at Venadak who had deemed her too corrupted to roam Atharen. She had become a walking contradiction, a failure of her own ideals: a creature who sought to cleanse rot and blight who was, herself, mired in atrophying filth. She could feel blight consuming her mind, her body flaking and becoming putrid, her disfigurements too severe to leave untreated. Unwilling to lie within Bel, and subject herself to steepening rot, Blevika broke the seemingly impenetrable planar boundary between Bel and Muid, piercing through it with her spear and emerging on the surface of Senia. When she arrived, it was to the terror of the other Gods, who isolated her and decided whether or not to end her life. Malek fought her into submission, landing blows onto the waning Goddess until her mind became dormant, the last remnants of defiance leaving her.

When she awoke, she was within her Divine Realm of Alea Nel, surrounded by wards that would prevent her from ever leaving. Isolated, the Gods sequestered her blighted form within the grounds of the realm's vast cathedral, confining her there as if to bandage what was Muid's festering wound.

Since then, Blevika has lived as the outcast of the Living Gods, always seeking a method to cleanse her soul, cutting off limbs and regrowing them, annihilating her own form and reshaping it from its foundations. She lives in idle, flagellating madness, finding an unfailing comfort in her quest to cleanse the most proximal source of degenerating rot: herself.









Notable Religious Factions



Alea Nel, Mantle of the Purifier

The Mantle is a storied realm, known to be a grounds of divine bloodletting: the site of Blevika's great conflict with Malek, and even Evitrix in the year 167. At the zenith of Blevika's battle with Evitrix, the two Goddesses nearly deformed the realm of Muid, Alea Nel falling from its axis and colliding with the fields of Senia below, razing vast swathes of Muid's tranquil core as Blevika's home lay a smoldering ruin. While most realms of Muid are disconnected from Senia's fields, typically floating around the main celestial body like planets around a star's gravitational pull, Alea Nel relocated to Senia's heart after its collision. Thousands of years later, it has since become warded off by a divine cage as a response to Blevika's corruption, a barrier of Divinity that allows none of its rot to seep into the outside realm.

The center of Blevika's realm is a grand cathedral of immense scale, broad and crowned by an impressive vertical spire, extending thousands of feet into the sky. While most simply call the entire realm 'Alea Nel', this is in fact the name of this expansive, beige colored cathedral, while the realm as a whole - mostly dilapidated fields of cindered arcane rot but including the cathedral body - is the 'Mantle of the Purifier'.

The cathedral looms beneath a grand series of cliffs, colossal peaks that lead into a waterfall at their center, an endless tide of deep, orange-brown corruption that bleeds into a vast moat below, which surrounds Alea Nel. Near the very height of the cathedral lies Blevika's prison, home to the Goddess herself, while the remainder of the cathedral is filled with her idle Noradac, waiting for their turn to be invited to her side.

Alone, Blevika resides in a cocoon through the vast majority of the year. When the cocoon fills with corruption, she springs from it in a vibrant rebirth, razing it to ash with a ray of disintegrating heat. Corruption sopping onto the floor beneath her, Blevika calls upon a number of Noradac to her side, forcing them to become the sub-organic base for her newest cocoon, which she will reside within until she has filled it with her corruption again, only to purify it and execute the spirits that formed it, destroying them as they become Dregs.

The corpses of these Dregs grow into foliage after their deaths, immense ropes of ivy draping all across the cathedral from her chamber at its height, flowers and deeply colored vines burgeoning outward from her residence, often falling from above onto the lower features of the building. As Blevika continuously purifies herself in these cyclical phases, the Mantle itself seems to slowly regrow, the scattered seeds left by the seared Dregs reforming the fields surrounding the corrupted moat. The corruption within these seeds, not totally destroyed by Blevika's ray, will over time begin to corrode the blooming foliage, seeping the land in rot again which will evaporate into the sky, come down as corrupted rain and collect in reservoirs that will eventually empty out into the waterfall. As such, Blevika's cycle of self-purifying is truly without end, a maddening eternity merely to prevent herself from becoming deeply impure.



Work in progress.