
From Atharen Wiki



Sorrow. She poured the murk over his features, sobbing as she presided over his cold, dead body. Tenebrax was not filled with grief because her father was dead, or from the impact of having to tend to him, smothering him in the black acid that disposed of others before him as a burial rite. She sobbed because of the sheer power she felt radiating in the sky, and because she knew that everything was about to change.

Tenebrax was the eldest child of Emperor Matrox, older sister to Venadak and Seer of the Grim Altars: the shrines dedicated to their devouring God, who murmured the commands that guided their destructive fleet. In truth, Tenebrax was never a faithful of that God, and her decision to abdicate her role as the Empire's heir was one guided by subterfuge. She believed that she could reinterpret the words of the Altars, guiding the Empire down a different path. The Leviathan's voice was, after all, an abstract and incoherent thing: single words could be altered so as to change their meaning, and so, often she did. It was her design that she could become more powerful than even the Emperor himself, if she could become the true mouth of a God.

Venadak's ascension, then, was more than just a threat: his rise spelled the end of her quest for dominance, and Tenebrax realigned her goals. She wore the façade and the rouge of the loving sister he had always wanted, and sought to temper and align her brother towards aspirations she found favorable. While Venadak became Emperor, Tenebrax was still the Imperial Seer, x






Night, Deception and Fear. x





Notable Religious Factions

The Twilight Fulcrum


The Domain of Sorrow

x. The Leviathan.

