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Revision as of 13:27, 30 December 2022 by Sovereign (talk | contribs)


Fast Facts

Population: 200,000,000+

Lifespan: 80 to 100 years

Height: 4' to 7'

Weight: 90 lbs to 400 lbs.

Player Restrictions: None.

Racial Ability: As the dominant species in Atharen, humans are not disadvantaged in most regions of the world with them seeing much social and political advantage nearly everywhere they go.

Racial Bonus: Humans receive +10 XP at creation.

Distribution: Grisic, Daravin, Lorien, Radenor, Tyrclaid, Khadai, Kisei, Hallix, Rayong, Kashona, Caena, Shaddai




By and large, humans are the most diverse of the races of Atharen. The amount of cultural and physical hodgepodge to be found among them is enough to give even the wisest of elven sages a headache.

Human height and physical stature varies wildly depending on the nutrition and genetics of their particular families and sometimes regions. Hair color goes from stark white to the deepest midnight black. Eye color ranges across the spectrum. Skin color is as varied as they come. It should be noted that humans are the only race that can couple with almost every other races to produce half-breeds.

Age and Reproduction

Birthrate for humans is among the highest of all races in Atharen but the health of both the mother and baby is the most varied. The safety of the mother and child is dependent entirely upon the lifestyle of the individual family. For humans living in the major cities of the Grisith Empire and Lorien, there are hospitals and medical experts to ensure most births are successful. The further one gets from major city centers however, the more infant mortality sky rockets. While most settlements have been able to secure major roads and trade routes, even these paths are not always secure. Atharen is a place filled with things wondrous and horrifying. Sometimes the horror wins far more often than wonder.

Humans are considered fully mature at eighteen years of age. They are typically in the prime of their life from their mid-twenties until their mid-forties. At fifty years of age, a human is considered venerable. Most humans do not live much further than seventy years of age depending on their lifestyle.


Humans live according to the culture they were raised in. For humans born in the Grisith Empire, they live in some of the most technologically dominant cities in the world. Their daily life is spent surrounded by the militant propaganda surrounding them. They are fostered to believe in the indomitability of the human spirit. For a human who lives in the prosperous Khadai, life is far more egalitarian. The rule of law is often dictated by power of coin and the people tend to be more prone to sharing their opinions with whomever will hear them. Counter this with the chilly and more shrewd humans of the Kingdom of Lorien and all in all, humans run the gamut of perspectives and opinions.


Human civilization is a quandary for most of the other races who tend to keep to their own. Modern societies vary tremendously. From the bold and lofty magocracy of the Daravin Empire to the anarchistic gangs of the city of Verden in the north, humans views on how a society should be run are a mixed bag of opinions. Some believe that the days of kings sitting upon regal thrones should have been left behind with the Bleeding. Others believe that it is only the law and order provided by such strong nations that prevents the entire world from falling to the power of the Corrupted.

Social Structure

In most human settlements one’s standing in society often depends on one’s contributions to it. While nobles exist in many different forms throughout human lands, their importance is often linked to how well they can protect those who live within their domain. Failure to provide safety from the ravages of the beasts and powers that roam the lands is a quick way to lose favor with the masses. As a result, defenders usually hold some of the highest tiers in society followed by artisans and craftsmen. Politicians exist but only in the safest and most structured societies.


Humans have progressed to such a degree as the Common tongue remains the dominant language throughout the world. This was helped with the conquests spearheaded by the Unbroken Empire and became a solidified reality when Common became the staple trade language following the Bleeding.