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The Schism

The Living and Corrupted Gods were split apart upon the Sundering of the Planes, when the Light-God Venadak was exploited and utilized to destroy the stability of the planes of reality. With the energy of these planes colliding with one another, transfusing and blending with the chaotic and raw ether of the universe, all existing planes were severely compromised and were filled with ethereal blight. Venadak and the Gods nearest to him were corrupted beyond repair, twisting into a fundamentally different set of beings from their Living God counterparts. It is this event that split the pantheon in two, with Venadak crafting Bel as a method of imprisoning he and his fellow Corrupted, so that they would not leak their ethereal rot into Muid and the other planes.

The Living Gods

Kyrikain, God of Nightmares, Dreams and the Mind. The Lord of Reverie.

Izo---, Goddess of Chaos, Freedom, and Darkness. Among the Gods, she's considered the most neutral party.

Maztyx, God of Destruction. While less known he also holds the domain of Growth in a spiritual and mental sense, recovery from life's hardships.

Zagrok, God of Nature, Evolution, and Survival

Ashvara, Goddess of Life, Soul and Spirit




The Corrupted of Bel

Venadak, corrupted God of Order and Light. The creator of Bel and former leader and uniter of the Gods.

Valteran, corrupted God of Starvation, Blood, and Pain.

Saryn, corrupted God of Time, Fate and Decay.

Quarae, corrupted Goddess of Desire and Fear.

Nurax, corrupted god of Vengeance, Envy and Discord.


