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There are four seasons in Ransera, following roughly the same pattern of progression and change as our world. These four seasons are Glade, the spring season, Searing, the summer season, Ash, the fall season, and Frost, the winter season. Three of these seasons last for 91 calendar days, with Glade lasting 92, for a total of 365 days. 'Seasons' are very important to the flow of how the world operates, with banks and governments using them for a variety of different purposes, including holidays. There will almost always be some sort of holiday on the first day of a new season, often in celebration of the solstice.

  • Glade (March 1 to May 31, Start of Ranseran New Year)
  • Searing (June 1 to August 31)
  • Ash (September 1 to November 30)
  • Frost (December 1 to February 28/29)

Threads should always be timestamped with the season, day and year attached, such as: Glade 21, 120. This is for organizational and tracking purposes, and is mandatory.

Timestamp Formatting

  • 31st of Searing, 119th Year of the Age of Steel
  • 31 Searing 119
  • Searing 31, 119

The calendar of Ransera is also based upon the seasons. While it follows years and ages, calendar pages tend to be quite long as they will usually only have four, one for each season. These seasons almost act as months, and they are commonly used in similar terms; appointments will be scheduled for 'Glade 26', and marked in the calendar thus. There are also weeks in the calendar, thirteen of them per season, as each week is seven days. Glade, being 92 days long rather than 91, has one week that is eight days - the final day of the season. Rather than having a name like the other weekdays (which will be listed below), it is considered a holiday, called 'Summer's Precession'. Considering the first day of Searing is also a holiday, this is often a very festive time of year.

The days of the week are: Aemas, Eiroldas, Cuvindas, Raellas, Wraedas, Eikaeus and Veldas, named after mythic deities of old, and the greatest of the Dragon Gods. Weeks are commonly used in Ransera, referenced consistently in daily life, particularly for scheduling. Eikaeus, dedicated to the Dragon God Eikaen, is generally a day of rest where pious followers of the Endir focus their day on worship and communal gathering. As such, many businesses are closed on this day, and it is often spent as a day of leisure for Ranserans regardless of their faith.