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True dragons are beings of great fascination in Ransera. For ages beyond counting they have either helped or hindered the efforts of the mortal races depending on their respective dragonflight. Vastly intelligent and possessing immense power, they are considered the agents of the gods by many, a menace by some, and curiosities by others. While there are beasts and even people who bear dragon’s blood in their veins for one reason or another, true dragons remain in a league all on their own.


While every dragon is an individual who will make up their own mind about how they view the world, there are some things that simply don’t change no matter what kind of dragon an individual is dealing with.

Proud-Dragons are proud creatures. They have every right to be. The eldest of their kind are often on par with demigods in terms of their power. They are beings who can, on a whim, slay thousands if it suits them as there are very few creatures on the mortal plane that can contend with them. They are beholden only to the will of their respective Dragon God and bow to no others, not even the demigods. For any other to assume they have lordship over any dragon is a foolish mistake that once made, is seldom repeated. This pride is expressed in a variety of ways depending on the dragonflight but no matter the dragon, it is there.

Social- While there are exceptions, most dragons are very social creatures. As younglings they grow up in tightly knit communities that they do not leave until they are young adults. As a result, very few dragons find solitude appealing. Additionally, most find the mortal races immensely fascinating. It is not unheard of for a family of dragons to make its home not far from mortal settlements.

Intelligent- Dragons are highly intelligent creatures that spend decades being tutored and educated by their families. It is not uncommon for the demigods and even the Dragon Gods to spend a great deal of time with their associated dragonflight. Most dragons typically speak the languages relevant to their area fluently. Because they are so long lived, they are often quite in-tune with local history and important figures. Most dragons enjoy games requiring wit and intelligence for amusement and are quite fond of stories.

Reproduction and Aging

The first dragons were not born but created by each of the Dragon Gods directly from the very essence of the Aetherium. Each one was shaped to be an extension of their progenitor’s vision and thus would serve as heralds of their will for the rest of eternity. Because they were drawn from the Aetherium, they are immensely magical and powerful creatures. Despite this, while long lived and possessed of a higher awareness that is passed down from generation to generation, they are still mortal creatures.

Dragons reach full maturity at roughly 30 years of age and can reproduce at this age as well, though many choose to wait until later in their very long lifespans. When a dragon chooses a mate, it is for life and will choose another only if their current mate has perished. There are five distinct phases of a dragon’s lifespan though most mortals rarely see dragons in the first two.

Wyrmling- 0-1 year, From newborn to hobbling infant, wyrmlings are under constant attention from their parents. Wherever a wyrmling is found, often the mother and father are not far, usually within earshot. They are viciously protected. Dragon parents will not hesitate to kill even the smallest perceived threat to their wyrmlings. These baby dragons cannot fly yet and do not possess the ability to use magic. Their communication skills are usually limited to mildly telepathic abilities that simply convey their moods.

Young- 2-29 years, Dragons at the earlier stages of this development are still closely watched by their elders. During these years the dragons are taught the ways of the world, they begin forming their social skills, they learn to fly, and can even tap into their inherently magical powers. This includes learning how to shapeshift into one of the mortal races of their choice. Most take on the shape most commonly used by their parents. As the dragon nears adulthood, they begin to venture out on their own.

Adult- 30-300 years, By and large the majority of the world sees adult dragons as the younger dragons are watched and guarded closely. Adult dragons have usually formed their own opinions about the world around them. They are highly intelligent and fully capable of being independent. They fly through the skies with ease and can sustain flight for long periods without rest. They have greater command of their powers and can usually adopt two to three forms of their choosing. It is at this stage of development that most dragons choose to either start their own fang or remain with the one they’ve known their whole lives. Most remain, but there are those who decide to step out on their own.

Venerable- 301+ years, These dragons typically have offspring of their own, they have seen a great deal of the world, and have more or less chosen to settle in one place. Immensely powerful, there are few of the mortal races who can hope to contend with the power of a venerable dragon. A venerable dragon can adopt the shape of any of the mortal races if they so desire and is usually a figure of myth and legend in some parts they frequent.

Ancient- 1000+ years, Old, wise, incredibly powerful, there are only a small amount of ancient dragons left in the world after the events of the Sundering. The few that remain are considered second only to the will of the Dragon God who patrons the dragonflight as a whole. Referred to as the Archdragons, most of the races have heard their names before in stories but few have actually ever seen them.


Dragonflight- Refers to a grouping of dragon types. In most conversations the whole of their respective species. As in, “The Platinum Dragonflight is a most holy and noble group of dragons.”

Fang- Roughly a dozen or more dragons that form a community in a single area. Typically they are a single family or several families of dragons that have chosen to live together. As in, “There is a fang of red dragons in the mountains.”

Wing- Less than a dozen dragons but more than two in a single area. As in, “I spot a wing of green dragons roaming the forest.”

Fanglord- A gender neutral term used to refer to the matriarch’s and patriarchs of a Fang.

The Dragonflights of Ransera

Dragons are categorized into 10 families known as the dragonflights. These distinct species of dragons are affiliated with a corresponding Dragon God and while they are not the direct offspring of those deities they were originally created by them. Generally speaking, each of the respective dragonflights adhere closely to the ideals their progenitor prizes most. At the end of the day however, dragons are creatures possessed of as much free will as the mortal races themselves. The below is a generalized summary of what is commonly associated with each dragonflight but each great beast will make up their own mind about the world and their place in it. Still, if their patron god calls, rare is the dragon that will not answer.

Platinum Dragonflight

Few dragons are as honored or revered as those of the platinum flight. The agents of Eikaen, the Dragon King himself, they are the largest and strongest of all dragons. Proud and noble, they are brave in the face of danger and will readily sacrifice themselves for the greater good if it means saving others from harm.


Graced with silvery white scales that give them the appearance of being made from polished metal, the platinum dragons are blinding in their majesty when the choose to be. As a platinum dragon grows older its pupils fade until their eyes resemble orbs of pure mercury.

Dragons of the Light

No matter their individual temperament the one thing that unites all platinum dragons is their affinity toward being creatures of good. They are generally mild-mannered and friendly toward others who display themselves to be good natured. They believe in bringing no undeserved harm to others. To a platinum dragon, a life should be lived based upon morals of truth, honor, courage, justice, compassion and mercy.

Perfect Order

Platinum dragons are completely immune to the effects of the Dread Mists. As they grow older their presence in an area greatly weakens the power of Miststorms with the eldest of them being able to stave off the effects of a Miststorm entirely.

The Races

Platinum dragons do not often reveal themselves if it can be avoided. They prefer to interact with the races of Ransera in the shape of the race most prominent in the area and will only throw off that disguise if it is necessary or prudent to do so. In communities they interact with they are often warriors or figures of moral guidance such as sages, teachers or even monks devoted to Eikaen.

Golden Dragonflight

Where there is pain, they shall bring peace. Golden dragons have long been beings revered as figures of wonder in Ransera’s history. The servants of Raella, the Dragon Goddess of Life, are both humble and beautiful.


Shimmering golden scales that glitter with the light of the sun grace the bodies of every golden dragon. While they are not the largest of dragons, being slimmer in appearance than many of their counterparts, there is a regal strength to their bearing. As a gold dragon ages its pupils fade until their eyes resemble pools of molten gold.

Dragons of Mercy

Golden dragons are possessed of a deeply compassionate nature. The Lady of Life is giving and her joy flows abundantly from the dragons who live by her guidance. Golden dragons tend to be very artistic, having a fine appreciation for music, art and poetry. They abhor slavery, will readily lend a hand to the impoverished, and will do what they can to ease the pain and suffering of others.

The Lady’s Gift

Golden dragons are impossible to fool. With a glance they know the heart of any who meets their gaze. If it be good, they will lend their assistance in whatever capacity is wisest. If it be a wicked heart, they will rebuke the individual but will refrain from killing if it can be helped. Additionally, the presence of a gold dragon in an area reduces the likelihood that sickness and disease will take root there. The longer the dragon remains in the area the stronger their influence becomes.

The Races

Young gold dragons tend to wander, seldom lingering in one place for very long. As they grow older however they tend to settle in places somewhat removed from civilized areas. These include forests or groves that often become sites that those in need visit. Gold dragons are wise in the way of people and are rarely wrong in their judgments.

Wild Dragonflight

Travelers have passed by wild dragons time and time again without ever noticing them. The dragons of Aedrin, God of Nature, are one with the natural world. They are the guardians of the natural world from the earth, to the trees, to currents of the ocean.


Wild dragons are the most varied in terms of their physical appearance. They are often heavily influenced by the environment they tend to frequent. Wild dragons of the mountains might be large in size with a stone-like quality to their scales whereas wild dragons of the sea are slimmer and more serpent-like. No matter the variances in their appearance all wild dragons have a touch of rich forest green somewhere in their scales. As a wild dragon ages its eyes lose their pupil until they resemble dark emeralds.

Dragons of the World

Wild dragons have always been rather blunt in terms of interaction. They are not overly fond of mortal settlements as most towns and cities clash with nature. However, they understand that there is a balance between the wild and civilization. All the same, most wild dragons are found far removed from the civilized places. Most are fiercely independent in their countenance and will give respect to a creature only when they have earned it from them.


Wild dragons form a symbiotic bond with the world around them. A dragon of the forest will become the protector of that forest and see to it that the balance of nature is upheld with painstaking detail. A dragon of the seas might make a habit of swimming beside sailing vessels or ensuring the no species of fish is overpopulated or vice versa. Whereas a dragon of the plains could ensure that the proper burnings take place to ensure the winds carry seeds across the landscapes or that the soil remains fertile. Whatever role they take, the presence of a wild dragon is subtle but powerful with relation to the environment.

The Races

Wild dragons don’t associate with the mortal races very frequently. There is a slight stigma, one that was made even worse after the Sundering, that mortals are bad for the environment. While they rarely attack unless provoked, wild dragons tend to be rather guarded until one proves themselves a worthy friend.

Blue Dragonflight

A whispered word of caution, a gift given exactly when it was needed, or simply a story to entertain travelers embarking upon a long road. Blue dragons have always been welcome wherever they go be it simply because they are prolific storytellers or because they come with tidings relevant to the road ahead. The dragons of Velar, God of Time, are a wily and witty bunch.


Far removed from the typical appearance of their counterparts, the serpent-like blue dragons do not possess wings. Rather, they drift through the air when they fly as if swimming through the currents of an unseen river. They are somewhat sagacious in appearance with males possessing spines on their faces giving them the appearance of having wispy beards. As a blue dragon ages its pupil gradually fades until its eyes appear to be shimmering sapphires.

Dragons of Eternity

Blue dragons are incredibly fond of adventure, of stories and figuring out the reasons why the many races do the things that they do. Intensely curious about people it is not unheard of for a blue dragon to befriend generations of a single family before that family is even aware they’ve drawn the attention of a dragon. Blue dragons are fond of warmer climates and are very popular in the Republic of Cathena. Ultimately, blue dragons are the guardians of time. What exactly that entails, only they and perhaps a few of the other deities are fully aware of.

River of Time

It is well known that blue dragons are gifted with foresight. Each and every one of them can see perfectly into the past, across the present and into the future to some degree. Convincing a blue dragon to share this knowledge is quite a feat for they only do so when they believe it wisest. Receiving the advice of a blue dragon, especially when they give it freely, is something only fools ignore.

The Races

Fond of people, prone to adopting the form of troubadours, bards and traveling merchants, blue dragons can be found all over the world. Witty, playful and very open to forming tight bonds with the many races, the blue dragons are more likely to be found in a tavern entertaining wide-eyed children under the guise of an old storyteller than in the lofty halls of some great king. Very worldly and possessed of a deep resonating wisdom, blue dragons cherish the memories they make with others with a great deal of reverence.

Enlightened Dragonflight

Where great knowledge resides, so too do the copper, bronze and brass dragons. Wisest of all dragonkind, the enlightened dragonflight was created by Keela, Dragon Goddess of Wisdom. Patrons to the sciences, to ingenuity and to great scholarly pursuits, the enlightened dragons have helped mortals refine their societies for millennia.


With scales of a deep burnished copper, bronze or brass color, the enlightened dragonflight has the warmest appearance of the dragons. The set of their features gives them a rather pensive look while the mischief twinkling in their eyes always gives the impression that they are up to no good. As an enlightened dragon ages it gradually loses its pupil until its eyes appear to be glowing turqoise orbs.

Dragons of Inspiration

Enlightened dragons have a deep seated love of knowledge. Some are quite stern, others are incorrigible pranksters prone to mischief. None of them mean intentional harm but they can sometimes get carried away. Enlightened dragons are driven to inspire and propel others to their greatest potential. They adore the tinkerings that the many races get up to and will often lend a hand or insight into a problem if they deem the cause worthy of their time.

Uncanny Knowledge

Enlightened dragons can and often do, lend a hand to mortal scholars who are in desperate need of assistance. While they interfere sparingly, preferring that the scholars of the many races figure things out on their own, the gift of an enlightened dragon’s knowledge can be the breakthrough that can change the course of history. They are exceedingly reserved in offering aid in this manner.

The Races

If an enlightened dragon chooses to insert itself into the society of one of the many races, it will most likely do so in the guise of a scholar, a teacher, or a figure who is very in touch with local knowledge or even a spy. Generally speaking, most enlightened dragons mean no harm but they see no problem with removing an obstacle if it becomes bothersome.

Black Dragonflight

Where death comes, the black dragons are not far behind. Guardians of the dead and guides into the afterlife, the black dragonflight is surrounded in stories both beautiful and frightening.


The black dragons belonging to Wraedan, Dragon God of Death, are the second largest next to the platinum dragons. Immensely regal with sweeping features and obsidian scales, they begin their lives with eyes that are pure white that slowly darken to pools of black as they age.

Dragons of the Hereafter

Black dragons have often been misunderstood because of their association with death. They are not the bringers of death, though it is well within their power to visit death upon legions of people with but a flap of their wings, they are the caretakers of the dead. Despite their immense size and strength there is a shocking gentleness to them as if they are ever aware of the fear they inspire simply by appearing.

Soul Guides

The living need only fear a black dragon if they have incurred their wrath and the dead have nothing to fear from them at all. Black dragons are present wherever mortals have perished, though they often maneuver unseen. They are blessed by Wraedan to serve as guides for the souls of the dead and they take that duty very seriously. Next to the gods, black dragons have the easiest time traveling between the mortal plane and the rest of the planes of the Aetherium. These dragons do not judge the souls in their care, they merely take them to the side of the deity they served most faithfully in life or to Wraedan’s realms until they are ready to reenter the world of the living.

The Races

Black dragons paint an intimidating picture, even when they adopt the form of one of the many races. They are known to have a somewhat brooding nature but once befriended they are deeply loyal and attentive. These noble beings, while of a generally neutral disposition, have a calm appreciation for the zest of life and are known to bring comfort to those who mourn and grieve when it is needed most.

Red Dragonflight

The Reds are a lively bunch that seldom hide who and what they are. Proud, honorable and brutal warriors, they are proof that size is not everything in war. But that is not their only way. As heralds of change they weave their way in and out of the lives around them, mingling with the inhabitants of the world.


Red dragons are equally some of the largest dragons around, rivaling both the Black and Platinum dragons on occasion. They are made up of various shades of red and eyes that seem to glow with fire. At first glance once would notice the long slender bodies and a notable two legs - closer inspection would reveal the arms have instead fused with the wings, and feature a full dexterous working claws. This difference in structure caused much debate among scholars on if they truly were dragons, until Vicis said otherwise.

Mischief Makers

Red Dragons are cunning and playful beings, mischievous in nature and are often blamed for shenanigans. Younger ones are more inclined to the whims of jokes and humor, innate pranksters who look to entertain. With age they mellow out, and while the humor still exists they are more prone to riddles, careful weaving of plots and schemes that seem perfectly innocent on the surface. They are also hoarders, but instead of trinkets, golds and jewels, they instead hoard raw materials and various oddities that, at a glance, seem unimportant to the observer. Time has revealed in many a story however, that the treasures found in a red dragon's hoard are often more useful than one's wildest imaginings.

Loyal Beings

The loyalty of a Red Dragon runs deepest out of all the dragons, to the point where they would fight tooth and nail for those who who have earned their trust. While they will never lie, they do not sugarcoat the harsh truth either - those who have earned such a trust must come to accept that. Those who fall under their protection will be surely defended and watched, those who look to disturb it will find a quick and fiery end.

The Races

The Reds are the most social of the dragons. They are ones that crave contact with various species outside of their own making them very willing inhabitants of various settlements across the world. Comfortably wearing mortal skins and blending into society, or lounging along rooftops within their true form, the red dragons can be somewhat unnerving to those who do not have a lot of experience with dragons. It is not unheard of for the Reds of all ages to take a fondness to children, instilling and influencing them to partake in their mischief. The mortal races in return are left with the reassurance that their offspring are safely guarded - if being slightly misguided.

Hollow Dragonflight

It is said that hollow dragons are not born, rather they are made. Whether or not this is true is anyone’s guess. The dragons of Malgar, God of Suffering, have forged a reputation for themselves as creatures completely devoted to the torment of others.


Where all other dragons are beings of grace and majesty, Hollow Dragons are the complete opposite. Grotesque, horrifying, nightmarish beings that are all possessed of a sickeningly clever madness bent on inflicting suffering to all they encounter. Mortals however, have only stories to go off of. Sightings of these dragons have always been rare and those that survive the encounter are left scarred by the experience.

Dragons of Corruption

It is a wonder that the hollow dragonflight is even known. There are mostly only whisperings of its existence for rare is the occasion that a dragon of Malgar leaves anyone alive or coherent enough to do anything more than scream in insanity. It is said that to lay eyes upon a hollow dragon is to invite ones worst fears to become a reality. Where mortals have striven to overcome their fears and the darkest parts of their being, hollow dragons have infected them with bitterness, hate, or utterly destroyed what little hope they have.

Corrosive Terror

Malevolent, insidious, clever and patient, hollow dragons are reputed to be masters at the art of careful observation with the patience of a mountain. The more they can prolong the suffering of others, the greater enjoyment they feel. It is said that this dark and twisted nature boils to the surface of every hollow dragon and extends to the environment around them. They corrupt, corrode and twist what’s near them, infecting it with their festering nature like a hungry disease intent on devouring the world.

The Races

The world is a sandbox with which the hollow dragons toy. The mortal races are play things, food for the carrion and fuel for their amusement. Curiously, legends say that never will a hollow dragon lie to any who discover them and cross their paths. It is believed they find the truth of suffering, of being forced to admit misery, brings them that much more enjoyment. If one thing remains irrefutably true about hollow dragons it’s that wherever they go, they are accompanied only by the foulest and most cruel.

White Dragonflight

The Masked Queen forged her dragons with a love of chaos, expression and an affinity for exploring the dark places of the world. However, for as cunning and sometimes wild as the white dragons are they can often be misunderstood.


Smaller than their cousins, what the white dragons lack in size they make up for with speed and dexterity. Wintry scales cover their bodies making them blend in perfectly to the cold, icy climates they typically enjoy. They are known for having pure white eyes with no iris for the duration of their lives.

Dragons of Freedom

White dragons are creatures of absolute chaos. They avoid civilized societies, they chafe under lawful order, and they refuse to believe that the world can be made better through tightly packed cities that guard against the wonders of the world. White dragons are not inherently wicked creatures. Many of them simply embrace the idea that the world is only fit for those strong enough to survive it. This translates to a very brutal way of thinking, that any who do not prove themselves superior in one way or another, are thus unfit for the world.

Unrestrained Chaos

Passionate, beholden to none, sometimes destructive, and wildly free. White dragons are capable of visiting unpredictable change upon the world around them. The dragons themselves unleash this power with little focused intent and simply watch the chips land where they fall. This has fostered a reputation for them being rather menacing and troublesome. Some want destruction, some want to watch mortals scurry about in panic just to see how they react, some just want a change of scenery, the motives of the white dragons are seldom unified in their thinking unless set to purpose by their goddess.

The Races

White dragons were not always viewed with such widespread disdain and hatred. There was a time when their unrestrained nature was seen as a form of freedom that was truly beautiful to behold. However, their penchant for enjoying dark places, embracing the shadows and their seeming ability to encourage or control the Dread Mists has made them universally feared by most mortals.

Gem Dragonflight

Heralds of the dream world, keepers of all things secret and the sages of magic, the gem dragons were once creatures of such wonder, many spent their whole lives attempting to emulate them.


Gem dragons were graced with breathtaking scales that glittered like gemstones. They came in all colors from ruby, to sapphire, topaz, amethyst and more. Their grace was ethereal in nature and though they seldom visited the mortal plane, when they did they were figures of prized beauty.

Dragons of Wonder

The gem dragons were the dreamweavers, the keepers of secrets and the guardians who used nightmares to make mortals face their worst fears or to realize a truth about themselves and the world around them. They were rarely seen physically manifesting on the mortal plane but they visited the many races quite often in the sleeping hours either to perform their duties or merely to interact with them.

Secret Whispers

Gem dragons are unmatched in their knowledge of secret things. The vast amount of time they spent in the Aetherium and the fact that they constantly saw the greatest hopes, wishes, and even fears of the mortal races exposed them to the core of who and what all things are. They were also regarded as the heralds of magic, for it was Thiovan who first gifted the knowledge of the Rune Disciplines to mortals.

The Races

It is said that none loved the mortal races more than Thiovan and his gem dragons. The disappearance of the Dreamer, his demigods and his dragons continues to echo throughout Ransera. For whatever reason, following the Sundering, they vanished from the world. As a result, the widespread populace of Ransera seldom remember their dreams, if they have them at all. Those that do are haunted by them for it is believed that what they see are not dreams, but the vision of secrets that have yet to be discovered.