Travel Times

From Atharen Wiki


  1. Horseback travel times are always half of foot times.
  2. Travel times are calculated via perceived distance (with distance added for difficult terrain) and this formula: 30 mpd(miles per day)/foot, 60 mpd/horseback, 150 mpd/ship, 60 mph/train
  3. Most nations do not have train lines connecting to one another. These lines are a sign of strong relationships. You will find most train-based travel times in the internal travel times of each nation, located in their lore pages.
  4. Ship routes are done either via ocean, rivers or lakes, and include walking time to go from port to port by land if there is no sea route covering that part of the journey.
  5. For ease of use, it is best to type Ctrl + F and then type the name of the city or route, such as "Amoren to Tilema".


Amoren to Genteven: 21 days (foot), 11 days (ship)

Amoren to Ithiron: 14 days (foot)

Amoren to Izanzaro: 42 days (ship), 14 days (ship)

Amoren to Nivenhain: 44 days (foot), 29 days (ship)

Amoren to Veranor: 48 days (foot), 20 days (ship)

Amoren to Tilema: 24 days (foot), 16 days (ship)


Genteven to Ithiron: 35 days (foot), 25 days (ship)

Genteven to Izanzaro: 30 days (ship)

Genteven to Nivenhain: 24 days (foot), 18 days (ship)

Genteven to Veranor: 35 days (foot), 26 days (ship)

Genteven to Tilema: 32 days (foot), 23 days (ship)


Ithiron to Izanzaro: 13 days (ship)

Ithiron to Nivenhain: 59 days (foot), 43 days (ship)

Ithiron to Veranor: 45 days (foot), 33 days (ship)

Ithiron to Tilema: 45 days (foot), 28 days (ship)


Izanzaro to Nivenhain: 29 days (ship)

Izanzaro to Veranor: 19 days (ship)

Izanzaro to Tilema: 37 days (ship)


Nivenhain to Veranor: 57 days (foot), 33 days (ship)

Nivenhain to Tilema: 29 days (foot), 20 days (ship)


Veranor to Tilema: 51 days (foot), 29 days (ship)